Help in my diet plan

Guys please check if this kind of diet is ok? Advice, please. I posted yesterday regarding what i eat everyday, and about my workout. and i was advised to eat more. So, is this plan fine? Please check.

By the way, my weight is 58kgs, 5"2 height, and i am in a mission to reach 50-53kgs on or before august 15.

Here it goes:

7th july
Woke up at 3pm,
Had 2 egg whites, fried it using one tblsp of olive oil
With one normal bread (not the wheat one) and del monte ketchup
Drank one glass of water
Damn full.

5pm-6pm - played badminton
Then right after playing, drank chilled half glass of water
ate 5 refrigerated almonds.
Then drank again, one glass of normal water (not cold, not warm)

6.30pm - started with my workout
30mins dancing.
30mins treadmill.
30mins kickboxing and curl ups.
50sit ups.
10 16counts of bicycle used for exercise.
10mins of using one equipment that will just shake your body.
10mins of JUST swaying your body.
* i drink water in between my i was able to finish one bottle of water

9.30pm - had my dinner.
3 wheat bread
With cucumber inside the breads.
Chunky chat masala toppings, for some taste only.
Drank one and a half glass of water.
Darnnnn fulllll.

Walked for 30mins right after eating...
Coz i was way too full that i couldn't sit :p

All in all i calculated it, it gave me a total of 650-700 calories i consumed today.

For those who will say that i need to eat more, What and how am i supposed to eat more, if i feel really very VERY full with eating these stuffs? :/

And oh, by the way, i had my gallstone removed 4yrs back. Just in case it has something to do with my weight gain.

It's 1.15am here and i'll be sleeping around 3-4am,
So there's a possibility for me to eat later on,
will have some nestle fruit selection yogurt (0% fat one, 66 calories)
Together with 5 refrigerated almonds.

So you can add another 100 calories in the total calorie i consumed for the day. But i am still not sure if i will be eating the yogurt and almonds, as i still feel really very full upto now. JUST a chance, though.

P.S. the reason why i woke up at 3pm is, because i slept at 8am in the morning. It's necessary for me to be up at midnight :/ its my work....

HELP, please guys. Thank you...


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    It sounds like you are setting yourself up for complications in the future.
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    How so? :(
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    How so? :(

    Loss of lean body mass, your body not getting appropriate nutrition, and probably some of the same answers you received in the other threads you posted about this topic.
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    What should i do then? Pls advice me.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member

    Calculate your BMR. Eat no less than that + exercise calories. This will allow you to lose weight safely. When you eat under your BMR your lean muscle mass to fat lost ratio gets higher and higher, to the point where the weight loss your scale is saying, isn't fat, it's mostly muscle. This will eventually lower your metabolism and you'll be stuck maintaining a weight at a much lower calorie intake than a normal person of your height and weight. This sucks, I've never met anyone who was happy they lost weight this way.

    If you are really having a hard time getting enough calories, please consider stop buying "diet" food. No more low fat, low carb. Add some meat and cheese to your sandwiches (veganaise, tofurky and daiya cheese slices if you're vegan). No more low fat yogurts, get some full fat, look at the label, find the highest calorie one. Eat MORE nuts, not just 5. Use a whole egg, not egg whites.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You are not eating even close to enough for good health. MFP can give you good guidelines, please do a little reaserch and figure out something better before you hurt yourself. What you're doing may not technically be an eating disorder, but you're headed that way.
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    Okay, thank you so much guys. I'll work on it...
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    If you are really having a hard time getting enough calories, please consider stop buying "diet" food. No more low fat, low carb. Add some meat and cheese to your sandwiches (veganaise, tofurky and daiya cheese slices if you're vegan). No more low fat yogurts, get some full fat, look at the label, find the highest calorie one. Eat MORE nuts, not just 5. Use a whole egg, not egg whites.

    Will i be able to achieve my goal of losing 5-8 kilos in one month by doing this?
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    With the amount of exercise you are doing and the very small amount you are eating, your daily calorie net is miniscule and/or most likely in the negative range. You may reach your goal in the time you have allotted for yourself (or, you may not), but you are harming your body and perpetuating an even more unhealthy relationship with food than you seem to already have.

    * Rather than just eating the egg whites, eat the whole egg. If you don't like the yolk, then eat more egg yolks.
    * Cooking with oil will help increase your calorie intake, so keep doing so.
    * Eat more than 5 almonds.
    * Add more healthy, calorie dense foods to your diet, like avocados, peanut butter, dairy, meats, and fish (salmon and tuna are great options).
    * Whenever possible, stay away from anything labeled "reduced fat", "low fat", "light" and "fat free".
    * You might want to cut back on your calorie burns. From what you have described, you are exercising for at least 3 to 4 hours per day. It is not necessary to exercise that much. But, if you do, you need to eat a lot more to fuel your body.
    * If you find yourself too full to eat, due to your water intake, then cut back a little on your water, especially during and around meal times.
    * You can also eat small meals throughout the day if you are unable to eat larger or more calorie dense meals in one sitting.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    If you are really having a hard time getting enough calories, please consider stop buying "diet" food. No more low fat, low carb. Add some meat and cheese to your sandwiches (veganaise, tofurky and daiya cheese slices if you're vegan). No more low fat yogurts, get some full fat, look at the label, find the highest calorie one. Eat MORE nuts, not just 5. Use a whole egg, not egg whites.

    Will i be able to achieve my goal of losing 5-8 kilos in one month by doing this?

    No, the only way to achieve that kind of loss is over a longer period of time, the human body can only lose up to 2lbs of fat a week, and that is for someone significantly overweight. For you it's more likely 1lb a week, sorry if that isn't fast enough, but life isn't fair. It's possible for you to lose that much in just muscle mass and be completely saggy and sick, I imagine you won't look good, but at least the scale will say the number you want.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u got to much exercising going on and u aren't eating enough
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    With the amount of exercise you are doing and the very small amount you are eating, your daily calorie net is miniscule and/or most likely in the negative range. You may reach your goal in the time you have allotted for yourself (or, you may not), but you are harming your body and perpetuating an even more unhealthy relationship with food than you seem to already have.

    * Rather than just eating the egg whites, eat the whole egg. If you don't like the yolk, then eat more egg yolks.
    * Cooking with oil will help increase your calorie intake, so keep doing so.
    * Eat more than 5 almonds.
    * Add more healthy, calorie dense foods to your diet, like avocados, peanut butter, meats, and fish (salmon and tuna are great options).
    * Whenever possible, stay away from anything labeled "reduced fat", "low fat", "light" and "fat free".
    * You might want to cut back on your calorie burns. From what you have described, you are exercising for at least 3 to 4 hours per day. It is not necessary to exercise that much. But, if you do, you need to eat a lot more to fuel your body.
    * If you find yourself too full to eat, due to your water intake, then cut back a little on your water.

    Thank you for your time in reading my post. I calculated my BMR and it says 1298 calories /day. If i eat that amount of calorie, will i be able to reach my goal in a month?
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    If you are really having a hard time getting enough calories, please consider stop buying "diet" food. No more low fat, low carb. Add some meat and cheese to your sandwiches (veganaise, tofurky and daiya cheese slices if you're vegan). No more low fat yogurts, get some full fat, look at the label, find the highest calorie one. Eat MORE nuts, not just 5. Use a whole egg, not egg whites.

    Will i be able to achieve my goal of losing 5-8 kilos in one month by doing this?

    No, the only way to achieve that kind of loss is over a longer period of time, the human body can only lose up to 2lbs of fat a week, and that is for someone significantly overweight. For you it's more likely 1lb a week, sorry if that isn't fast enough, but life isn't fair. It's possible for you to lose that much in just muscle mass and be completely saggy and sick, I imagine you won't look good, but at least the scale will say the number you want.

    Is it surely isnt fair, ehehe, thank you very much :)
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    u got to much exercising going on and u aren't eating enough

    I really feel hungry, what to do :(
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61
    u got to much exercising going on and u aren't eating enough

    I really dont feell hungry, what to do :(
  • SCC86
    SCC86 Posts: 5

    Calculate your BMR. Eat no less than that + exercise calories. This will allow you to lose weight safely. When you eat under your BMR your lean muscle mass to fat lost ratio gets higher and higher, to the point where the weight loss your scale is saying, isn't fat, it's mostly muscle. This will eventually lower your metabolism and you'll be stuck maintaining a weight at a much lower calorie intake than a normal person of your height and weight. This sucks, I've never met anyone who was happy they lost weight this way.

    If you are really having a hard time getting enough calories, please consider stop buying "diet" food. No more low fat, low carb. Add some meat and cheese to your sandwiches (veganaise, tofurky and daiya cheese slices if you're vegan). No more low fat yogurts, get some full fat, look at the label, find the highest calorie one. Eat MORE nuts, not just 5. Use a whole egg, not egg whites.

    This. If you are still having a tough time reaching your BMR, try adding more nuts to your diet. For example, pilinuts. A 100 gram serving is almost 700 calories. Split the 100 grams between your meals every day, and it will make it easier to eat it all.

    If you are trying to lose 5-8kg in a month, you still need to eat enough calories to keep your body running. Food is fuel, just because you eat more of it doesn't mean you will lose less weight. If you eat too little, you will hinder your weight loss and cause health problems. It would be better to come close to your weight loss goal, and be healthy, than to reach your goal, but be unhealthy and unable to maintain it.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    With the amount of exercise you are doing and the very small amount you are eating, your daily calorie net is miniscule and/or most likely in the negative range. You may reach your goal in the time you have allotted for yourself (or, you may not), but you are harming your body and perpetuating an even more unhealthy relationship with food than you seem to already have.

    * Rather than just eating the egg whites, eat the whole egg. If you don't like the yolk, then eat more egg yolks.
    * Cooking with oil will help increase your calorie intake, so keep doing so.
    * Eat more than 5 almonds.
    * Add more healthy, calorie dense foods to your diet, like avocados, peanut butter, dairy, meats, and fish (salmon and tuna are great options).
    * Whenever possible, stay away from anything labeled "reduced fat", "low fat", "light" and "fat free".
    * You might want to cut back on your calorie burns. From what you have described, you are exercising for at least 3 to 4 hours per day. It is not necessary to exercise that much. But, if you do, you need to eat a lot more to fuel your body.
    * If you find yourself too full to eat, due to your water intake, then cut back a little on your water, especially during and around meal times.
    * You can also eat small meals throughout the day if you are unable to eat larger or more calorie dense meals in one sitting.

    Thank you for your time in reading my post. I calculated my BMR and it says 1298 calories /day. If i eat that amount of calorie, will i be able to reach my goal in a month?

    Because you don't have much to lose, and I am guessing you have been eating a VLCD for a while, I would say that it is highly unlikely that you will lose that much weight in such a short period of time.

    Can I ask why you feel the need to lose the weight so quickly? Are you looking for a "quick fix" (which, by the way, does not exist), or is your goal to lose the weight in a healthy manner and keep it off?
  • Diptiish
    Diptiish Posts: 61

    Can I ask why you feel the need to lose the weight so quickly? Are you looking for a "quick fix" (which, by the way, does not exist), or is your goal to lose the weight in a healthy manner and keep it off?

    I have a wedding to attend this august, all my cousins would be there also and they are all skinny, sexy. I wanted to be like one also so i could be confident in front of them, :/
    You think if i eat upto 1300 calories per day it would help me lose weight faster?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Troll much?!