Strong Lifts 5x5 question



  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    I am nearly 40 year old female and I have been stronglifts and group circuit training class for a few months so it is possible to do both. It depends entirely on your goals, I want to increase strength and improve body composition but I'm not focused on competitively getting the weights up and up - if you are going ridiculously heavy then you won't be able to do your circuits on in between days because you will be sore and need recovery but if you go steady you can do both and increase your strength. My week looks like this:

    Mon - ballet class
    Tues - spinning class and circuit training class
    Weds - Stronglifts +/- spinning
    Thurs - circuit training class
    Fri - Stronglifts
    Sat - Spinning class x 2
    Sunday - Stronglifts plus circuit training class

    I was not fit when I started this program and I find it fine - occasionally if I'm feeling a bit tired I'll drop a spin class. I have also made progress on the lifts even with all the other classes. For example, I started SL squatting about 30kg and I'm now at 95kg (my body weight is near 60kg), my OHP has gone from the empty bar (20kg) to 35kg, bench from empty bar to 40kg, row from 25kg to 60kg and deadlift from 40kg to 100kg.

    I love lifting and would encourage all women to try it - if you don't enjoy it then go back to the circuit training and look for something else you enjoy! I also enjoy circuit training class because I have pushed myself to do all sorts of things I never thought I could and met some great people. I love ballet because it makes me feel amazing! I enjoy spinning because it's short, sharp and to the point - fun but high calorie burn!

    I didn't want to give up the other things I enjoy just to fit in stronglifts but I did want to try lifting heavier and see if I could increase my strength. Progress may be a bit slower than if I just did SL 3x per week and rested on the other days but I'm not trying to be a competitive weight lifter so it doesn't matter to me!

    Good luck with your goals.
  • wutaday1
    wutaday1 Posts: 45 Member
    edited April 2018
    It has been a while since I looked at this! I appreciate all the advice everyone gave me. I ended up sticking with my group fitness class. I still want to try the this program, but I am going back to LiveFit trainer as I feel I am back to beginner weight lifting status since I pretty much fell off the workout wagon for over a year now. I am back at it now so hopefully after LiveFit, Strong Lifts will be my next program. :smile:
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    I love it. If you are new to lifting, I would focus just on 5X5s with some light cardio on your off days until you get used to it. Have you checked out the website at You can download the app there to track your progress at the gym, as well.

    Yes, I use the app and love it. It gives you rest times between sets and tells me what I will lift during the week and when. The basic app is free. I pay for the upgraded version, which for me is worth it. The upgraded app has accessory lifts for each day for you and calculates what plates to put on the bar because I failed college algebra. lol

    I have done four or five rounds of 5x5 and with deloads it has served me well for over a year. I just moved onto smolov and icecream fitness and would always recognize 5x5 for newbies.