Overcoming Food Addiction



  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    jahillegas_51- I dont care if your great words of wisdom addressed anything that was helpful to the OP - it will be helpful to someone who will read it and identify with it and maybe motivate that person to do the work that is necessary to be successful, just like you did. thanks for sharing your story - I love to read about successes, even if they are still a work in progress (arent we all?!)
  • hikernut53
    hikernut53 Posts: 43 Member
    I am addicted to certain foods - especially if they contain sugar. For example, I would eat an entire chocolate cake or a carton of ice cream - even when I'm am uncomfortably full. Something drives me to keep eating. I considered sugar to be a "trigger food" that I need to avoid. I also have to watch starchy foods - I could eat a loaf of good sourdough bread, for example. I don't keep bread (or refined sweets) in my house.
  • MzJones1920
    MzJones1920 Posts: 3 Member
    So sensitive. Someone can't disagree without being labeled an "attacker." Sheesh.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Would people feel better if instead of "addiction" we said "Humongous Freaking Problem?" Personally, I'm less interested in the nuances of semantics than I am in understanding and solving problems.