Looking for Advice and motivation

Hi everyone! my name is Toni and I am new to this so please be patient with me. I am 36yrs old and this is the biggest I've ever been.. I am looking to lose any amout of lbs, but like to lose about 150+. It's very hard for me to get motivated as my family and I are going through a rough patch with cps. So you can only imagine what I'm going through with oldest and granddaughter. Please feel free to add me and I would really appreciate any advise on how to get back on track slowly but surely. TIA God Bless


  • txkatgrace
    txkatgrace Posts: 18 Member
    I have gone through something similar. I ended up with anxiety and depression because of what I was going through and never wanted to leave the house. My therapist told me the best thing I could do was first cut out all caffeine. You are already getting jittery from what ever it is your dealing with. If you can't do it cold turkey, start slow and ween yourself off gradually. Try using tea as a substitute, no coffee, sodas, or anything else that has caffeine. Get decaffeinated tea. There are some surprising varieties that are really good. I personally quit using sugar, I only use honey instead, but not too much, it's healthier and if you get local honey it'll help with seasonal allergies. Give it a couple of days, you'll be surprised how much it helps.
    Try looking at what you eat. I cut out almost all carbs (anything made with flour) for the time being. Try to find veggies that you love. I bought a steamer and steam my vetables, it tastes better to me. I eat a lot of broccoli because that is one of the few veggies my son surprisingly loves, steamed of course.
    But the BIGGEST thing that helped me change is writing down everything that I eat, write while you eat or just after, no matter what you're eating, just write down as much as you can until it's a strong habit, use a journal or use the MyFitnessPal app, don't worry about calories at first, just focus on the habit. I built the habit into my daily routine and now I feel guilty if I missed a meal so I sit down and right what I can.
    Start with foods that are simple to make, I've tried almost every diet and eating plan that exists, and the best thing I found that helps is to find foods that you like that are simple to make, I eat oatmeal every morning with cranberries and brown sugar.
    The second thing is to get a journal and everyday right before you go to bed, write what ever is in your mind, doesn't matter what you write, just empty your brain. You might feel a little drained, you might cry a little, you might feel something else, but you have released everything that has built up that day. You'll sleep better when you've talked to someone, even if it's just a book.
    The third thing that I found has really helped me, when I don't feel like exercising or have no motivation to move, I stretch, use poses that are easy for you and just do them while watching tv, or just get up and move something simple; swing your arms as much as you can till you get tired, or walk slowly, even if it's just to the end of the street and back. As long as you start with building the habit of getting up and moving constantly for as long as you can, start with 20 to 30 minutes. Walk around your home, vacuum, sweep, any movement will do. I depend a lot on music. I've been building an inspirational play list with the most upbeat songs I can find, songs that make you feel good or make you want to dance; the Fight song, We are the Champions, party songs; I'll put the play list on Spotify and put a link on here. If you like Christian music listen to Klove.com radio. You can find a local station that broadcasts for free on the radio.
    Try self help books, I'm reading one now that is funny and speaks differently, You Are ABadass (that is really the name of the book). I was very surprised and excited to read this one because the author speaks differently about what to do and how to do it.
  • guera68131
    guera68131 Posts: 2 Member
    I can do without soda but I will die without my coffee.. Lol I will try my best! Thanks alot for taking the time out to give me this wonderful advice. I really appreciate it!
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Set short term goals and hit those first you will eventually hit your goal weight. Looseing weight is a journery. Ask yourself what is more important to you your health or another cup of coffee Instead Drink lots and lots of water
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    You have a long road ahead but it can be done. First thing like mentioned before is track all food intake. DO NOT drink calories! No sodas, no sugar beverages, no teas, NONE period! And you won't die without coffee. QUIT having that mind set. Water is our friend and the only beverage you can drink. Lots water, ridiculous amounts of it.

    It's not going to be easy, there will be bumps in the road but you can do this.

    Your last meal of the day, dinner, is the last time you eat. So no late night foods. No snacks, no treats, none of that. Dinner is the last meal of the day. Work up your anticipation for breakfast. That's why it's called breakfast, you are breaking the fast your body is on from the overnight lack of eating.

    I would highly suggest speaking and getting some help from a dietician. Find out what's a good calorie intake for you to start out. Find out that limit and under no circumstances go past that limit.

    Exercise is important. Build up your cardio system and get more active. Walking, stairs, biking anything.

    Discipline is tough but you will definitely love yourself in the long run.

  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Hi I can only imagine what you are going through and it must be very difficult, hang in there hope everything gets better for you and your family. We do have something in common I need to lose at least 150lb or more, so let's help each other along this journey
  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    edited May 2016
    The worse thing you can do it radically overhaul your diet immediately because you won't be inclined to stick with it. You don't have to cut out your coffee entirely but cut back instead. Things like soda, I was surprised myself last night to find that 400ml of diet lemonade was only 4 calories by comparison to the non- diet version which was nearly 50 calories...the difference in calories was the equivalent of my daily apple, and I know I'd much prefer the apple for the fibre and sustainability values. But water is a key ingredient to your journey...more so than anything that it'll flush toxins from your body and hydrate you correctly.

    Food wise, I have been hugely surprised by what some foods I eat contain. But having said that, I managed to enjoy BBQ last night and still be within my calories...I didn't sacrifice anything but at the same time I wasn't mindlessly eating, I just focused on portion size.

    This has been a wonderful experience for me. I have nearly half my body weight to lose but I don't feel overwhelmed or defeated. Deep down you know what you and have know how to get there, but anytime you feel low or need a little pick-me-up, us MFP pals are here for you.

    Just remember, cutting foods or drinks out WON'T help...you will feel deprived. Just treat them as treats instead and cut back.

    Wishing you all the very best in your journey. Feel free to drop me a message with how you're getting on x