Failed my workout plan in 3 months

mamacassi Posts: 131
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I was very good for those 3 months, I did of course eat bad things and get mad at myself. But I worked out up to 3 times a day for short amounts of time. But I stopped, I don't know why, I felt like I was fatter and grosser and just...lazy...
once a day work out became once a week, then nothing. And then I started to eat meat again and from there, I don't work out and avoid the topic. I don't even take vitamins anymore. I'm too mad at myself to try. It seems like everyday I feel worse, which is impossible but yet...
How do I get back into it? The concept of that treadmill or that bike horrifies me. I miss feeling GOOD and healthy. I just don't feel that way anymore obviously. I am kind of accepting that I'll be overweight and unable to look in the mirror, ever, for life.

Can anyone suggest how to move on from this? I could cry it hurts so much to realize I failed myself, again.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Every day is a new start. You gotta have someone to support you, lots of people on here for support, even add me as a friend and you can message me anytime you need motivation. With exercise, gotta find something that is fun for you, and start small and work your way back into it. IT might seem horrifying because you are seeing everything has one big obsticle to achieve. You are 18, have your whole life ahead of you, dont stop, break it down to small mini goals and use those accomplishments to build on till you get to where you want to be.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    No part of exercise is 'fun' for me. lol
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    What about aerobics as exercise, or Zumba? It's a lot more fun than the treadmill or stationary bike.
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    I agree with the saying "every day is a new start!".

    I am new here, and it's only been about a week and a half. I started out slowly just going for walks... I also tried treadmill. Like you, I was terrified of it and did not think I could keep up with it. But I actually really enjoy it! I have used it 4 times so far. I started out with programmable cardio workout (where it controls your heart rate @ 150), I selected the maximum speed of 4.0 miles per hour as I know I can walk that fast on my own. Anyway, I started with 20 min, did this first 2 times, and the second 2 times I increased my time to 25 minutes. Now this has only been 4 times, but I see progress already! The first time my heart rate took forever to get to 150, and then went up really fast, so the treadmill slowed down a lot... then up and down again... This last time it took a little while to reach 150 again, but once I did, I could maintain it better without too much up and down.

    Anyway, this is not really an advice, just sharing my first experience with exercise. I was scared to start it, too. But now I actually look forward to it. Hope the same happens for you!! :) Hang in there and good luck. The hardest thing is to start, the rest is easier.
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    You didn't fail; remember success isn't an 'all or nothing' sort of thing.. it's about trying, and persevering (even on days when you don't do so well). Success comes from doing the little things each day, that over time yield something *really* great.. if you are having a bad day, don't make the mistake of not workout out at all... try instead, working out lighter and picking it up the next day when you feel not so burned out.

    When it comes to getting fit.. the only difference between those who do and those who don't ... is the 'action'. Like Nike says, "Just do it"..

    Now get back up, brush it off.. stop calling yourself a failure and MOVE FORWARD!

    And remember, the only person who is a failure.. it the one who stops trying!

  • cynditoney
    cynditoney Posts: 90
    The only failure is not trying. You CAN do this. I cannot stand to workout inside. I have to be outside- preferably walking around, looking at nature while I walk. I tried and tried to ride a stationary bike and walk on a treadmill.... nothing worked, got bored and quit.

    Try again. Find something that is fun for you. Doesn't matter what, just get moving!!

    I cannot say this enough. You CAN do this!!
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    I also agree with the "every day is a new start" saying. Basically, it doesn't matter what you did before - you just need to start fresh. If you are stuck on feeling bad for yourself in the past, you'll never be able to get out of that past behavior. The past is the past, leave it there! Don't keep bringing it up into your present and letting it bring you down.

    As far as exercise goes - if the treadmill and bike are boring for you, don't do them! Find something else that you actually like to do and do that. Personally, I can't stand the treadmill or stationary bike either, but I love running and riding a regular bike - so instead of doing a treadmill or stationary bike, I'll run or bike outside. If it's crappy outside, I'll use an elliptical machine, and sometimes I'll even use the dreaded treadmill or stationary bike, just for something different.

    You've already identified that you need to do something about it - so now do it! Start tomorrow, or better yet, start right now while the feeling is fresh. You know how good it makes you feel, so now it's time to feel that way again. Good luck!
  • mlavila
    mlavila Posts: 2
    It sounds like you need a break from the gym routine! Maybe you can find activities that aren't necessarily "workouts", but still get you moving and that you enjoy. Some ideas...

    walk with a friend
    walk your dog
    white water rafting
    beach volleyball
    walking all day at an amusement park, the zoo, etc..
    going to the waterslides
    ballroom dancing'
    horseback riding
    and anything else that you enjoy!

    I hate walking on the treadmill but I really enjoy walking my dogs so maybe a change in routine from the gym will help. Good luck! Just don't give up on yourself :smile:
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    The first thing I would suggest is setting achievable mini goals. You did set a goal to give up meat, that is a great goal but it is really more of a long term goal than a mini/short term goal.

    I would suggest setting mini goals like working out 30 minutes/day, 3 days a week. Once you've done it 3 weeks in a row, move it up to 5 days a week, and then an hour per day. Those sort of goals are short term and, at least for me, give more sense of accomplishment and motivation.

    Hang in there sweetie! When you fall off the horse, you brush yourself off and get back on. :o)
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Sometimes the biggest obstacle for me is simply getting started. If I can talk myself into taking a leisurely stroll, then the hardest part is over with. Once I'm in my work-out clothes, I somehow feel a little "fitter". Then, as I'm walking outside, the fresh air will give me a little pep in my step. I MUST always have my iPod along with, and before I know it, the great music has me practically dancing. I want to run! (P.S. I hate running). So, instead of thinking to myself, "I need to run two miles tonight to work off what I ate or I'm going to be a fatty for the rest of my life," I tell myself just to make it outside. It works for me, every time. It might not work for you, but as you keep attempting to motivate yourself, you'll find little secrets that work. It certainly doesn't make it EASY, by any means, but that's life. I wish you the best!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I always tell my kids that the easiest way to succeed is to find something you're PASSIONATE about! Find something you love, and you will have success, I truly believe it. Just try, try, try. And give things a fair shake, too. Don't just do one class and give up, try it 5 times and then decide. Take lessons if you need to- swimming, skating, dancing... experiment and put yourself out there :)

    Apathy = failure
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