Felt so good for it to crumble down.

I have been doing so good with my diet and exercise.. I lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks and I felt different, I felt skinny and good about myself, I even felt healthier. I know you can't really notice 5 pounds but I did!! Well I went to my boyfriends (long distance boyfriend) last Monday for a couple days and was still feeling really great about myself, I even ate healthy for the first day and a half (which I was very proud about), but then we went to Chilis and I had two Presedente Margaritas, Appetizers, and a meal then went on to the next day and kept the bad eating. When I got home I weighed myself and noticed I gained 2-3 pounds; I started feeling sluggish and large again. I just did my 30 day shred dvd but I miss feeling good about myself like I did not even a week ago.


  • StarryEyedGirl
    pick yourself up girl! don't look back- move forward and you will get right back on track!! you're not finished and you haven't failed!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You WILL feel better tomorrow.......promise!! It takes time to change your entire way of thinking. The weight is just from all the sodium...............unless you ate 12,000 extra calories!!! :laugh:

    So keep doing what you are doing.
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    It didn't crumble. You took a detour. Keep going and it will straighten itself out. You can do this!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    they are sooo right! You will be fine! Stay on track and don't look back! One of my biggest obstacles for years has been this very thing. I do really good for a couple weeks then ONE evening out to a "normal" dinner and all the weight was on the very next day so then it's like WTH why bother, this is just who I am! Well it isn't! Like they said, maybe too much sodium, or just a bad day so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again! you didn't just do the 30 day shred for nothing! you are changing your body!

    Take care!
  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    Thanks Everyone!! Hopefully getting back to actually exercising will make me feel better too!