Need some guidance

mind2Bfree Posts: 10 Member
Hello FitnessPal friends...
I'm not sure what im doing wrong hence need help from u folks whose been there..done tat!
I'm a female, 33, 5.4', 213 pounds...wanting to loose at least 50 pounds for starts. Have tried many diff things - Atkins, calorie counting, macro counting but not sure what is the one i've to stick to. I know they say one method doesn't suit all and I'm yet to find the right one. I workout at least 4 times a week and yet when no results get dissapointed. My husband hasn't been talking to me for months now since he sees no weightloss and thinks im not trying hard enough.

Anyone who has worked it out..and can be there to guide me thru to figure out what works for me...i would b greatly obliged.
Also i notice from the body compisition machines my BMR is around 1350. Is tat normal for my height and weight?

Sorry for the long post but thanks again for all ur help


  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    every single diet plan is yet another way to cut calories. and working out can help some, but having a focus is very helpful.

    me, i find calorie counting offers me the freedom to eat whatever i want to eat as long as i don't eat to much of it, but some people benefit from the structure of a program of some kind. my digital scale is always ready, and it's easy to use. using MFP, it's also super easy to keep track of several macros if you want. i track protein, as i'm strength training, carbs as i'm type 2 diabetic, fat, sugars and sodium (blood pressure). i prefer the full version on my computer as opposed to the app, but the app is handy when i'm out and about.

    it's not about trying or not trying, but it is about finding one thing - and many will work - and sticking with it, and not cheating. btw, i found i lost more weight and lowered my blood sugar more by fairly vigorous walking than from working out at the gym. an exercise bike is a very good second to the walking.

  • AvrilC1971
    AvrilC1971 Posts: 13 Member
    "My husband hasn't been talking to me for months now since he sees no weightloss and thinks im not trying hard enough."
    This makes me sad. Losing weight for someone who promises to love you forever but the turns around and offers no support never works. Trust me, I've been there.

    Saying that, I have also tried different diets and right now I'm trying the blood type diet. The only thing I have to lose is weight and my Dr. likes this diet too.

    Good Luck