I've used this app for years...

Off and on. I get so frustrated I stop using it. I'm almost 200lbs. I'm in professional school, so I'm in class 8+ hours per day just sitting. Then I go home and study which takes even more sitting. I don't have time to go to a gym. This isn't an undergrad degree, it's very intense and time consuming.

I'm set at eating 1,200 calories per day but I usually go over that by 400+. It all seems impossible. I'm depressed because I hate what my body has become. I hate that I've sacraficed my health for higher education. I don't have time to cook for myself (unless it's ramen).

I'm so lost and I don't even know how to dig myself out of this hole. I just wanna weigh 150 again...


  • rddr1969
    rddr1969 Posts: 10 Member
    OMG! I felt the same way a year ago. I weighed 190 and my clothes started to get tight and really didn't want to go up into plus sizes. I hated what I became especially when I was always thin. But now I'm fighting back I lost 47 lbs and I'm not a size 6. I've found simple and easy ways to prep my food for the week and managed to fit in 30 minutes of exercise a day. After a week I was feeling energized and was able to get more done. I started to love myself again. I would be more than happy to help you succeed.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I am an on and off user as well, and also getting nowhere. Today, I am exactly 6 months away from my 40th birthday, and I want to be skinny by then!
    Is 1200 not too low for you? I'm 5'2, About 150 pounds, sedentary lifestyle and even find 1200 quite difficult to adhere too. Only when eating high volume, high fibre foods, I can keep it up. However, it is timeconsuming. I went to a lecture of Pascale Naessens last november. She is a former model, and quite popular in Belgium since she started publishing cookbooks with very easy yet divine recipes, using pure, natural ingredients. At the Q&A section of the lecture, she responded to the time question with stating that If you do not make time for your Health now, your body will make the time for you, when you are home sick.
    Everybody is busy, but surely you can dedicate 1 hour a day to your Health. I am About to as well. So before all else, I will make sure that my food is sorted out each day. I just finished my baked peaches-strawberries-Rosemary breakfast, more time-consuming to cook, way more satisfactory than a sandwich.
    Don't say you traded your Health for higher education, that is just an excuse, I combined two studies at University, commuted by train, worked on Sundays, and went out on Friday and Saturday nights. Yet, I was skinny. It was the frequent runs to the grocery shop at my first job that made me gain weight the first time, and my systematic overeating in stressfull times ever since. Counting the calories is a good method but not the only way to lose weight. And you do not need to excercise in order to lose weight. Just eat less, or lower calorie foods, and the hardest of all: don't cope with stress by eating.