Eating around work hours - advice needed please!

I've recently gone from being a lazy student to working two jobs, and I'm really struggling with fitting in food and eating the best things at the times that I have available. Any tips on what to eat, what to take to work as snacks and what to avoid would be really appreciated :) And when to fit in a work out too!
My average schedule is starting work at 11am, and finishing around 10.30pm, with a break between jobs at 5.30pm.
I don't really get a proper lunch break so I usually end up going for unhealthy, very quick snacks between jobs and then getting home ravenous!
Thanks in advance MFPs! :)


  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm the Fedex Guy so lunch is out of the question for me. I always pocket a couple Clif bars for mid morning and mid afternoon snacks and a healthy sandwich for an on the go lunch. Sometimes I pack some string cheese in lieu of a Clif bar. Or sometimes two sandwiches.

    By healthy sandwich I mean one that has a high fiber bread, lean protein and healthy vegetable.

    It's not ideal but none the less it works for me.
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Workout in the morning and get a big breakfast in :) I am working two jobs as well as taking a summer class.. and the only way I work out is if I wake up to do it.

    I also suggest bringing lots of snacks that are finger food friendly. I bring a cheesestick, banana, carrots, grapes, pretzels, etc. to work with me. They can't be messy :) And so you still have lunch, look into some protein shakes (I'm a fan of Boost - they fill you) so you don't go without something till you can get dinner at 5:30
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Like the previous poster finger snacks. Try to get as much nutrients in throughout the day as you can. easier said than done I know. I did the whole 2 job thing, both end up nibbling on this or that...hardly anything all day, then id get home at 1030 and be so hungry id eat a flipping horse...usually a pizza or something gooey and horrible and go to bed an hour later....wake up the next day and do it all over. Good luck to you!!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I agree with Nicci, take things that aren't messy. I struggled/struggle with the same thing. It also helps if you can dedicate an hour or two just one day a week to food prep. I do this sunday afternoons (my day off) and I bake chicken, make soup or a casserole and pre bag snacks. Then I have things pre-made and in a grab-and-go manner.

    Pretty sure my diary is open, but take a look and you can see what I eat through my day. I leave my house around 8am and don't get home till 8pm if not even later, so everything I pack in the morning is what I have for the day.

    Also as a quick reference here is what I usually pack

    -kashi granola bar
    -baby carrots
    -trail mix or mixed nuts
    -grilled chicken
    -turkey sausage links
    -babybel cheese

    I do have access to a fridge which make it easier to pack things but if you don't, investing in a nice travel insulated lunch box and a few ice packs can really make a difference. I have those too for the days I don't have a fridge handy.
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! There are sooo many pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks you can grab n go, just throw them in a lunch bag, along with whole fruits and veggies..high fiber snacks keep you fuller for a longer period of time. I snack on Frosted mini wheat's..put them in little zip loc snack baggies and carry them in my purse when hunger strikes! Almonds and flavored rice cakes are great as well. For something substantial, I agree with some of the other MFP's friends... high fiber bread(dark,dense,chewy) sandwiches or wraps are great go to lunch! Good Luck! :smile: