Sedentary Job



  • amybugfit
    amybugfit Posts: 40 Member
    If a standing desk isn't possible, perhaps a small exercise peddler for underneath?
    Good luck!
  • mom2wessarah
    mom2wessarah Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2016
    I work at home and don't have the office treat temptation, but a suggestion: maybe when you body is bored, get up and walk the other direction of the treats. Get some water or other drink you enjoy and take a short walk or go up a few flights of stairs? Perhaps that will take enough time that then you're forced to go back to your desk to work again. I know I am tempted by treats or whatever is in my kitchen (when work is not slammed, it kicks in most). I grab a free weight I keep next to my desk and do a few reps of something or walk up the street and back.

    My company encourages fitness and allows (encourages) employees to take short walks during the day. We even had a yearly contest where they give us pedometers and teams compete to walk more steps over a few months. We even have a one mile path mapped out around out building.

    I don't know what company you work for, or how large it is, but perhaps you can arrange something? A walking group or talk to HR regarding this?

    I'm trying to lose weight myself and I know how hard it is to just stay away from the treats. Hope some of these suggestions help.

    Good luck!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Sadly, avoiding the treats at work is one of the hardest things for me, but it's paid off enormously. It's not mean or rude to tell you to "avoid the crap". The fact is that one donut could have 500 calories eaten in a few minutes. If that's over maintenance, you're on track to gain a pound a week.

    You will walk out of there feeling better about yourself, knowing you didn't blow your deficit on a donut that wasn't anything special to begin with.

    Remind yourself that these treats will always be there, and YOU get to decide when YOU want to fit one into your day. If you can do this, I bet you'll wait until there's a magical special donut that you've just gotta have, instead of indulging daily.
  • Jessika29669
    Jessika29669 Posts: 34 Member
    I am in the same boat. I bought Marcy stationary pedals with Kohls cash online (they will also match Wal-mart's price) and try to pedal for at least 10 minutes on the hour. I can't really pedal while typing because I bounce too much and I'm taller so I have to adjust my chair and position when pedaling which isn't conducive for typing. I also take my lunch break prior to "lunch hour" when it's not raining and go for a mile walk. I eat at my desk so I am "working" through the lunch hour. I have made these changes because I noticed the toll the desk job was taking on my body. I also randomly lunge to the restroom or printer (when noone's around) LOL!
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    Ahhh the good old desk job! That's how I got to my previous 240 lbs! Now I go have an exercise ball in my office and try to get some stuff done on that as well as 10 lb dumbells just to do little things with. It's a good idea to get up and walk a bit every hour. I can't leave my office much so I do lunges around the door of variations of squats/ push ups. The diet is the main part and it sounds like you are doing good with that!
  • healthykaitlin
    healthykaitlin Posts: 91 Member
    I am standing at my desk as I type! You can purchase an adjustable desk stand for fairly cheap money, though I'm currently using a file crate :D I agree with the balance balls as well, $20 on Amazon; though sometimes they sit a little too low. For 40-60 more maybe they have legitimate chairs that have the balance ball built in. This is a great option if, by standing, you'd be towering over a cubicle lol. Last is the under desk bike peddles... I'm just not sure about noise? I would read reviews before making the purchase but I plan to buy one of these soon I hope!! Good luck!
  • dallasria103
    dallasria103 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    I use an under the desk exercise bike at work. It's awesome! Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B0418 Magnetic Mini Exercise Bike, Gray. It's very quiet too. I purchased mine from amazon. Another co worker has on as well.
    I also do squats, calve raises and stretch while at my desk several times a day.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I sit on an aisle seat, that was somehow strategically placed so it looks down a busy hallway, so there is no desk squats for me. :frowning: Best suggestions from me are to stand up often, stretch, walk around (even if it's a few feet) and while people choose to eat at their desk, can you go outside at lunch, or at least walk around during that time?
    Work treats are horrible here, and the irony is that they host fitness challenges, or healthy recipes type things, then turn around and have Cinco de Mayo chips and dip and Superbowl Snacks. My team also has a standing 'rule' of if you miss a call (RONA Roll Over No Answer) you get Donuts (RONuts). They look so tasty. :cry:
  • jcrav77
    jcrav77 Posts: 584 Member
    I have had that issue myself. The other part of a sedentary job is back pain and muscle cramping that comes from sitting. There are several sites that offer exercises you can do at your desk. I have a friend that does exercises every time she is listening to a conference call. As long as you are not out of breath when you have to talk or easily distracted this might work. At least standing up and walking around during the call. That is if you are in an office and not a cubicle.

    As for the junk people bring in I have tried to encourage healthier snacks but it is hard enough to break our habits let alone others. I have learned to politely decline and bring healthier options for myself. A lot of planning a head and mindfulness is needed to stop the junk food snacking. I could easily walk by a table of goodies and pick one thing up and then one more and one more before I realized I ate the whole thing myself. Avoidance helps too.

    For me wearing an exercise tracker like fit bit has helped also. It reminds me that I am not moving enough and need to do more when I get home. You may not have had to track those things in the past since you were so active but it is amazing how much you don't get done in a sedentary job. It is motivating for me to see I have only walked 5000 steps at the end of my work day and push me to do more in the evening. I really need to get up early and exercise also.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Okay this might be a bitchy thing to think but this is how I get through it... I work in HR so I do get the chance sometimes to walk around and I take advantage of those moments to get some steps in.... but I too get a lot of the snacks and donut issues... my thing is and its the only way I can mentally get through it without wanting to jump in and eat all of it... about 80 percent of the people in my office are overweight... and those 80 percent are the ones that are jumping in and eating and supplying... I look at them and see how disgusting they feel after it and the way they look eating it... it helps me come into realization that they look the way they do because of their intake... and i don't want to be that way anymore... i know its kinda rude to compare myself to others but it has helped me not eat the junk around the office...
  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    Maybe try to organize a group of like-minded co-workers to do a fitness/healthy eating challenge, or talk to management about allowing longer breaks to get some walking in, even if it's just inside the building. I think it would be hard for them to say no from an employee health standpoint but who knows. My company offers health & fitness challenges and even though I'm the only one in my branch doing them, I still participate.

    I've also thought about getting a balance ball chair or under desk exercise bike. I think those are good options!
  • HumanoidTowers
    HumanoidTowers Posts: 11 Member
    I just started in an office job and while my weight was creeping up over the past year regardless, sitting 8/9 hours a day certainly doesn't help things. I've started doing Yoga in the evenings to help my body out from all the sitting, and I begin walking on my lunch hour this week (that doesn't help when you don't have a lunch, sorry). I think if you can get the little things in, they will add up. Also, try to have an active and engaged body when you're sitting. I try to sit on the edge of my chair so I can be conscious of my posture and core. Not saying this will do much but all the little things add up. I think the motivation has to come from outside work hours, but I am finding my mentality around evening meals changing now I'm doing yoga in the evenings (at home) after work. Why not trying to do squats while you brush your teeth etc.? What about an evening run if that's what you are already used to/enjoy? Good luck!!!! I know it's tough.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Do you happen to be in a building where you have access to multiple floors? I work on floor 3, but often use the restrooms a few floors above and run up and down the stairs when I go. If you drink a lot of water and coffee each day, those flights can definitely add up.
    Set a few recurring calendar reminders to pop up and encourage you to stand or take a lap around the office
    Look up a few exercises you can do in your chair or in a small space. I'm lucky to have a door on my office, so I like to throw a few push-ups or planks in throughout the day. But I've seen lots of articles for desk/cubicle fitness. I also tend to be more alert and able to concentrate after I take a few minutes to move around.
  • the_new_mark_2017
    the_new_mark_2017 Posts: 149 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »

    You have to make the choice if you want the office snacks or the belly flab.

    THIS IS MY LIGHTBULB MOMENT! Simple. Make...the.... choice.
  • jaeemtea
    jaeemtea Posts: 33 Member
    Yes it's difficult to avoid office snacks. It took several years for me to finally stop eating them for the most part. I might break down once a month or longer. I also stopped participating in the monthly potluck (part of the reason is because I can't eat most of what people bring anyway). I do have a standing desk but I have disabilities that can prevent me from standing. You should probably experiment and find what will work for you and stick with it. Snacking once in a while shouldn't be a bad thing. If you do then just compensate for those calories another way. Good luck to you.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, I sincerely appreciate it. After some consideration, I'm going to look for a different type of job. I like what I do, but it's not a career. I've just ended a 20-year career in EMS so I'm in limbo right now and not adhered to any particular type of work. I might even get a landscaping job!

    The office I work in is in a very small, one story building with no stairs. The room we're in is so small, that dang snack table is right behind me and within arm's reach. I did alright last night...avoided the rum cake, macaroons, and chocolate coconut cookies. I only had a few sweet potato tortilla chips.

    I think one of my weapons will be to bank my calories for my shift (I work 3-11). If I can pack a crunchy salad and veggies to snack on and leave a few extra calories, I think I might do alright. But I'm still going to search for another type of work. I just think it will suit me better.
  • BettyEtte
    BettyEtte Posts: 39 Member
    Another vote for the standing desk. I made mine out of things I had lying around. (And I'm low-skilled in the carpentry department.)
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    ... i know its kinda rude to compare myself to others but it has helped me not eat the junk around the office...

    It's only rude if you tell them. :D