In a "slump"?

What do you eat when all you know is to run for that dollar sandwich? How about the best workouts to begin with. .. I wanna do this but I need to do this RIGHT! Anybody have any advice...


  • robboughton
    robboughton Posts: 62 Member
    edited May 2016
    Have you started logging food and I mean all food, do this for a few weeks to find where you calories come from. You can then formulate a plan around what you currently eat.
    I eat the same as before just less and it's working for me.
  • robinkay2
    robinkay2 Posts: 46 Member
    Pinterest is a good place for ideas for meals, meal prep, low calorie snacks, healthy eating...
    planning ahead helps avoid last minute grabs of junk- taking along water,
    as for exercise-walking!!