How many calories do i need to be eating?

NotGoingDown90 Posts: 22 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I know this might be a silly questiob but i have been at this weight loss journey since october and its all thanks to my bad eating habits! I normally eat pretty good but 2-3 days a week i end up buying fast food and that why my weight loss keeps going up and down. This time i am determined to stop eating fast food and focus on finding healthier eating habits but anyways everytime i try to see how many calories i should eat to lose weight i get really different numbers. Can someone help me, i am 25 year old female 5'1 and weigh 141 (Started at 146) i want to lose 1 pound a week and get back to being 125 and healthy. I am a stay at home mom so most of the things i do are at home (cooking, cleaning, reading...) I do aim for at least 10K steps on my fitbit everyday but its usually 12k-16k. I used to lift weight at the gym but i recently stopped although im thinking of heading back there again as soon as my husband figures out his new job schedule. Thank you


  • misskarihari
    misskarihari Posts: 104 Member
    Use this calculator and don't eat back your exercise calories as this calculater have them baked in. It is called TDEE.

    I put in your data (with light exercise as you are a stay at home mum) and it gave 1,818 kcal for maintenance. To lose weight you should eat 500 less than that, so 1318 should be ok for you. :) I would round it up to 1400.

    Good luck!