Gluten Free - Looking for friends :)

Hey, I'm Victoria, 27 Teacher...

I'm gluten free because it causes me a lot of bloating and other nastiness, I'm currently trying to eat less processed food as apparently half the time you have reactions to other things in the food beside gluten.

Had a really good day today actually, no bloating at all (usually get it at the end of the day).

Anyone in a similar boat? Coeliac? I'd love to hear from you!


  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Hugs! Yup, I'm a celiac myself and have to eat little to no processed foods due to reactions to them too.

    One thing that I've noticed along the way is that ALL grains actually ended up being an issue! Never would have thought it, but I have been gluten free for about 7 years now, and I have noticed that some celiacs, and gluten intolerants, have mentioned the same thing: that they realized they react in some way to all grains, and feel tremendously better off of them.

    I couldn't say whether this is because all the grains are actually a problem, or if there could potentially be a problem with processing and gluten cross-contamination, but it's made a huge difference for me to avoid grains. :-)
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    You are welcome to send me a friend request if you'd like. I've been gluten free for about 5 years now. I started eating gluten free to reduce/eliminate migraines. It did and I've also noticed that if I slip and eat gluten, I tend to feel bloated and have stomach issues. Eating gluten also makes me feel more tired as well.
  • BeckaShine
    BeckaShine Posts: 29 Member
    I just found out my blood tests for celiac came back positive and I'm also looking for friends to follow here on MFP to be sort of a support for me. It's a drastic change for me to go gluten free but I have to do it because being sick 24/7 is not fun!
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    I've been gluten free for almost a year and it has made a huge impact on my life. Feel free to add me!
  • kpruett1
    kpruett1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for tips and help on the gluten free journey as well. Doc wants me to do the anti-candida diet for a while to wipe out the overgrowth which requires compete removal of grains of all kinds. It's going to be hard! But eliminating sugar will be harder! I've been playing around with g-free baking for a while because I have good friend who has celiacs. I have belly issues that I suspect could be gluten related so we'll see how much better I feel after making the switch. Welcome any connections!