Weight loss

I need to loose weight for around August time, what sort of diet and exercise plan would anyone recommend?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Calorie deficit, that's all you need
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    CICO is popular. It stands for calories in vs. calories out.

    Calories in: Just eat regular foods but monitor portions. Measure & log the food that you like. Figure out what real portion sizes are. This is so helpful for maintenance. I'm fat because I eat too much. No canned diet plan is going to address "my specific" problems. Fixing "my" problems will help me during maintenance.

    Calories out: Move more. Find an activity you like to do, joins a sports league, wear a pedometer and establish a daily step goal, anything to stay active. Keep looking for activities you like. Establishing an active lifestyle will help you during maintenance.
  • smithchlo
    smithchlo Posts: 5 Member
    Calorie deficit, that's all you need
    THANKYOU so much for your help
  • smithchlo
    smithchlo Posts: 5 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    CICO is popular. It stands for calories in vs. calories out.

    Calories in: Just eat regular foods but monitor portions. Measure & log the food that you like. Figure out what real portion sizes are. This is so helpful for maintenance. I'm fat because I eat too much. No canned diet plan is going to address "my specific" problems. Fixing "my" problems will help me during maintenance.

    Calories out: Move more. Find an activity you like to do, joins a sports league, wear a pedometer and establish a daily step goal, anything to stay active. Keep looking for activities you like. Establishing an active lifestyle will help you during maintenance.

    THANKYOU so much
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    smithchlo wrote: »
    I need to loose weight for around August time, what sort of diet and exercise plan would anyone recommend?

    Put your info in the app.

    Read the stickies here on the forums.

    You can eat whatever you like as long as you maintain your deficit. Ditto exercise; do what you like.

    The best diet and exercise plan is the one you can stick to consistently. Chances are the best thing for you won't be the latest fad, or even the best thing for other people you know, though there are some common patterns.
  • smithchlo
    smithchlo Posts: 5 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    smithchlo wrote: »
    I need to loose weight for around August time, what sort of diet and exercise plan would anyone recommend?

    Put your info in the app.

    Read the stickies here on the forums.

    You can eat whatever you like as long as you maintain your deficit. Ditto exercise; do what you like.

    The best diet and exercise plan is the one you can stick to consistently. Chances are the best thing for you won't be the latest fad, or even the best thing for other people you know, though there are some common patterns.

    THANKYOU, are you on here for weight loss?