Is anyone on maintenance that isn't even that skinny?

I've decided to go on maintenance because I can't do 1200 any more (I'm short) so I've just learned to accept myself with a cute belly and that's that. I've lost quite a lot of weight so I'm happy with that.

Is anyone in a similar situation ? Would love to make new friends, thanks!



  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Hi, you are the one that sets the goal you are happy with. I lost "too much" weight at one point, and felt uncomfortable, as it did not give me enough body-fuel to sustain my exercise routine. I have set a maintenance-zone for myself, with a buffer of 5lbs, in which I feel great. That is the only requirement really, as long as you are happy with the result and feel good, job done (more interestingly (and harder) is to maintain it, but that is a different subject altogether :D )
  • localgrr
    localgrr Posts: 99 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    as long as you are happy with the result and feel good, job done (more interestingly (and harder) is to maintain it, but that is a different subject altogether :D )
    Is it hard to maintain ? Or is it a really long answer ?
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Maintenance is finding a balance. In your example, you were on 1200cals, but can't do that anymore. So it is finding the calorie-count that "suits" you, without adding weight. Multiple ways to do this, but for most, when they have reached their goal, the pressure is off, and things start slipping, and gradually (or not so gradually, depending on how much one starts indulging :) ) the weight adds on (I lost 60lbs 6 yrs ago, and gradually over 5 years put 40 on again). So finding the right balance is the answer, as well as this whole process hopefully having been treated as a change of lifestyle, rather than a diet, and you maintaining the lifestyle change
  • Mummrana
    Mummrana Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning all. I am new here. Actually new to all of this healthy living. Can someone explain to me what "maintenance" is? Thank you in advance :smile:
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Maintenance is when you have reached your target weight, and adjust your calorie intake so you maintain that weight
  • Mummrana
    Mummrana Posts: 2 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    Maintenance is when you have reached your target weight, and adjust your calorie intake so you maintain that weight

    Thank you very much ! I kind of figured this but didn't want to assume.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 136 pounds right now. Some people call me skinny because I have thin legs and arms but my midsection is definitely not skinny (although all the loose skin is making it hard to know).

    My goal is/was 130 pounds but it's just not been happening and I've been maintaining at 134-136 for 2 years. I'm just too hungry as a whole and not willing to give up things I like just to lose a couple vanity pounds (and I'd have to eat less to maintain that too - can't even imagine that). I mean, I'm still trying to keep a deficit most weeks, but I typically end up wiping it the following week (or during PMS), and my weight just hasn't come down, so... whatever I guess.

    Still struggling with it a bit though and I haven't reached the acceptance stage yet. But what I've been doing seems to work to maintain, so I don't really want to change it anyway.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited May 2016
    I hate the word "skinny" and avoiding ever becoming that again. In maintenance, 46 yr old 122 lbs, not that "skinny". Definitely pretty fit and slim tho! Maintaining on approx 1400-1900 a day, depending on if it's a workout day..xo
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Me! I work hard to maintain a nice balance of lean muscle and solid curves.

    I'm fit and everything is tight and I have no rolls or cellulite. Never wanted to be thin or skinny (or too muscular). I'm very happy! However, it took me a couple of years after reaching maintenance to get to this point.

    It sounds like you have a nice plan there OP and you seem content! Best wishes!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I too hate the word skinny! I hear weak, frail, brittle.. So it is ok to NOT be skinny to maintain. Who wants to look like a twig and maintain there? Well some might but I like to be somewhat lean but with muscles and be strong and fit and look like someone who takes care of herself!

    Be happy or find that happy medium where you feel and look your best, no matter the size pants or what the scale says. Its all about how YOU feel and it sound like you are right on track!
  • paulgads82
    paulgads82 Posts: 256 Member
    I have switched to maintenance because my health took a dip recently. Can't be dealing with trying to lose weight at the same time so happily on maintenance. Belly and all.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I'm 138.4#, 5'2", and have plenty of flab, fat, and loose skin. I reached my goal weight loss and went into maintenance this year. Yes, I can lose more weight to get to a "healthy" weight and drop more fat, but after 4 years it's become a pain. As long as I don't gain more than my top weight (145#) and my health markers are "fine" according to my GP, my weight is okay.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm 5'5" and 136 pounds right now. Some people call me skinny because I have thin legs and arms but my midsection is definitely not skinny (although all the loose skin is making it hard to know).

    My goal is/was 130 pounds but it's just not been happening and I've been maintaining at 134-136 for 2 years. I'm just too hungry as a whole and not willing to give up things I like just to lose a couple vanity pounds (and I'd have to eat less to maintain that too - can't even imagine that). I mean, I'm still trying to keep a deficit most weeks, but I typically end up wiping it the following week (or during PMS), and my weight just hasn't come down, so... whatever I guess.

    Still struggling with it a bit though and I haven't reached the acceptance stage yet. But what I've been doing seems to work to maintain, so I don't really want to change it anyway.

    This is almost exactly me only I usually end up maintaining at 137-138, lol. Everything else is spot on.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Yes, "skinny" is not a compliment.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    edited May 2016
    I plan to maintain at around 180* and I'm 5'2". I like my body now, and while I had set my new goal lower than that (165), I never intend to get to a point where I'm skinny/lean/fit/whatever the acceptable word is for "small." It's just not a priority for me.

    (* It was my first goal, and where the trend looks to take me. I'm taking time off for maintenance regardless of my weight at the end of July.)