DietPoint app

Hey; anyone else using this app? I just bought the app and it seems to be great. It lists all types of diets and is categorized by preferences/lifestyles. It gives you a shopping list for what to buy and the recipes for each meal on that diet that you choose. I haven't started mine yet but I've decided to start on a detox diet in 2 weeks.

Also; here's why I want to detox just cause I want to share, lol: I've been working out and eating as healthy as I can on no income (I'm a student). So I've been struggling with eating correctly because sometimes I have to eat what's available or else go hungry. I started my weight loss journey on May 25, 2013 and since then I've lost 8lbs over the course of 6 weeks. I'm actually not upset about this considering that I skipped some days of going to the gym, once I skipped a whole week... Also, due to lack of funds, I mostly cannot go grocery shopping for healthy foods... I've had a few cheat meals but I controlled myself with moderation. So yes; I'm proud of my first 8lbs lost! Lol ... technically, I've lost 15lbs total. My highest weight was 245lbs but it wasn't until I was 238lbs that I decided to get serious and go to the gym. This morning, I weighed myself and am now 230lbs. :D

Anyway; I got a job! A full-time job now that I graduated last month from college. Which means I can buy my own food. (My mother tends to buy junk food and I've tried to get her to eat healthy but it's a change that she's not up for yet). Sooo I've decided that with my first paycheck; I'm going to grocery shop and really get into my weight loss. So what's the best way to kickstart it? Why; with a detox diet! Lol So I decided to do the Lemon Diet that's on the app and I'm gonna re-commit myself to my workout routine.


  • _dinorah
    _dinorah Posts: 11
    But yeah; this app seems great. Based on what I've seen so far; if recommend it if you want a recipe book in your pocket and a variety of healthy weightloss diets to choose from. You could download it on your iphone for free but only a few diet would be available. In order to have access to all the choices, you have to buy it. ;( but honestly; for me it's worth it just cause Im new at this and I don't know what to buy or eat sometimes and i don't know how to cook so I have to learn, lol. it gives me a large variety of meals so I think it's great
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I just installed the Dietpoint app and these diets don't seem very maintainable. Heck one of my suggested diets averaged 800 calories a day.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Detoxes are CRAP. You don't need to "jump start" anything. What toxins, pray tell, are you removing from your body with this cleanse?