Asylum or Chalean Extreme

a_candler Posts: 209 Member
Help me decide which program to follow. I've done Insanity before and while I had good results, it's SOOOO intense it makes me cringe. I'm not sure I'm up for the high intensity that Asylum is sure to demand. While Chalean Extreme looks to be like a good program to lift with the dumbells I have. My main goal is to tighten and tone, primarily the bottom half. Yet I'm not sure this would give me the desired effects in the shortest time frame. Should add that I just started my free trial of beachbody on demand. What else is worth trying out of the programs that are included for not extra charge?

So basically, convince me Asylum won't kill me! LOL I would love to hear of others success with this program.


  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I never did either of these programs but was interested in asylum at one time. P90x3 is included on demand and this is probably more intense then chalene but less than asylum. And if you find the cardio isn't hard enough you can always sub insanity for cardio days. But if you have on demand why not try them both out?
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I just watched part of px903 and thought the same thing.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    I used to do Chalean extreme before. You do tone up a lot. I am currently on the programmed called The Master's Hammer and Chisel. I would say that is way better than chalean extreme. It engaged the core in every workout video. Chalean is a great program for beginners that want to get into lifting.

    I did Shaun T insanity and T25. He isn't so nice on your joints. I sprained my ankle from insanity.

    Good luck.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Asylum is more agility so not quite as intense in one way as insanity but hard in other ways. Lots is sports type stuff. I enjoyed it. I also really like P90x3 but did find myself adding in cardio. Currently doing Body Beast which I'm really liking. More intense weights work than Chalean or P90x3. Basically I like them all for different reasons. Lol. Big help there, huh?
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I want to lift more but lacking in equipment, so until I can get more weights and such I'll make do with what I have. That being said, it looks like px90 is what I'm going with. Plus I think I'll adding walking or an extra cardiovascular here and there.

    Hopefully for my birthday coming up my husband listens and gets me the weights I'm needing.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    Good luck!