
I'm really struggling to commit to being healthy, junk food has such a hold on me. I stick with it a few days then something happens and I fall off. I need to make a go of it this time but I've failed so many times, I don't really believe I'll ever do it. I have so much weight to lose, I don't know what to do.


  • xCyanideGirlx
    xCyanideGirlx Posts: 116 Member
    Im in the same boat. i have around 150 to lose, a bit less now because ive been on this for a week. You like junk food? Eat it! I certainly do. All you have to do is stay under your calorie limit and youll lose weight! Ive lost 4lbs thus far
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    This book helped me
    The Beck Dit Solution:Train Your Brain To Think Like a Think Person

    The bottom line is yes this is hard but not impossible, you have to be willing to make the commitment.