New me!

After the military, I became a medic, police officer, volunteer fire fighter and arson investigator. 14 years later my doc says I wore my body out almost as fast as a pro football player. 9 back surgeries later, I am finally able to start walking and do light exercise again! I'm 5'8" and started at 200 lbs... I didn't even weigh this much at 9 months pregnant! So far, I'm down to 193 and don't have much motivation. I am hoping to find some people to connect with that are very slow like myself, to hopefully be able to cheer each other on! I have read a few intros that I think I can relate with, but not sure how to "add" people or navigate this system. So, any help there would also be appreciated! Thanks for listening!


  • Monnie67
    Monnie67 Posts: 88 Member
    You need do need a friend. You can add me as a friend