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hello everyone..I am back at it..I was on as WandaJean....I fell off the weight loss wagon but I have been smoke free for 102 days and I have gone up to 174 lbs..I was about 140...I just ate and ate and ate...I never feel full and once a eat, especially at night time I just keep eating and eating. It is so bad at times I go to bed in pain...I know it is just not that I quit smoking because I was eating like this before now it is all day.I had my thyroid checked and it is normal. I'm eating myself to the point of pain..and I don't know why I never feel full.
Yesterday I started to track my foods( only eating at meal times and not eating past 8 pm)..I am starving right now lol :)
I also started to do Leslie Sansone walk at home videos...going to do that 2 x a day and tomorrow adding in 12 minuted seated core workout by, I can not do strenuous exercising because of my COPD and back problems, but I am hoping with new eating habits, exercise and not eating after 8 pm I will shed some pounds.oh and you will see 2 beers on my food diary..i was celebrating my smoke-free success with my son and his wife..I drink about 2- 3 times a don't worry I'm not going from a non-smoker to an alcoholic lol.
If anyone has any tips, suggestions, advice, please share, thank you