Family and friends' reactions to MFP?

MFP certainly has affected the way I have interacted with my family and friends.

Mum: She joined MFP at the same time as me and lost 6 KG right away but has been in plateau ever since. She has a fitbit as well and accumulates quite a lot of steps at work, but she keeps forgetting to log her food XD. She keeps saying that I could "use a bit of extra fat" haha.

Father and father: They thinks that I should stop avoiding what he sees as "good fats" like coconut oil and that I am silly for counting calories while not worrying about my exposure to things like artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

Younger sisters: The younger sister can't understand why I choose diet foods all the time. And why would she? She's a skinny teenager who seems to be able to live on fried food and alcohol without gaining an ounce. The older sister, on the other hand, is trying to lose weight and is envious of my progress. I'm not sure how much she knows about MFP though.

Best friend: She keeps saying "calories so important to you, aren't they?" as if to imply she can't understand why I would want to track my calories or lose weight. She herself has always been skinny and is trying to GAIN weight.

Boyfriend: He is very supportive, even though he is not trying to lose weight himself. He always tries to stop me when it looks like I'm having something I'll regret later. He will go for long runs with me at any time of the day or night. He's asked questions about how many calories things are and things like that. He even expressed an interest in joining MFP himself.


  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy:
    Very nice,
    Thanks for sharing, I like it.....
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    For the record, your dad might be right about coconut oil.

    It's a very unusual saturated fat. Unsaturated fats are quite good for you and needful for vitamin uptake. The rest of it sounds awfully familiar. I have a lot of people who think I'm insane or obsessed because I count calories (even though a number of them are trying to lose weight and have said that they are envious of my results). Keep up the good work.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I agree with Dad- coconut oil has so many benefits- I put my Dad onto it!
    Nice post, I have been accused of being OCD when I log on to the diary each day!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    My mom has been very supportive in my efforts to change my lifestyle, so have my brothers. My sister on the other hand, (who btw is at her highest weight ever) makes comments all the time about it not being healthy worrying about my food choices, measuring my food and logging every single thing. She thinks it's healthier that for the past months that I've been eating healthier and exercising regularly she was stuffing down fast food and soda on a daily basis and getting no exercise and now that there is only 2 months till our brothers wedding she tells me she's eating nothing but chicken, broccoli and oatmeal. All things I eat on a regular basis but that hardly seems healthy or sustainable to me. I'm not losing weight just for the wedding though, I'm losing weight for life through eating better and moving more.

    *Just so it's clear, I'm not against any foods, I haven't cut anything from my diet, I just eat proper portion sizes now. And her saying I worry about my food choices all the time is just me making good choices that are going to taste good but still keep me full and not wanting to snack all the time.