Ill After Meeting Goal Weight



  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    So your doctor said all this was because of too rapid a weight loss. What was his/her recommendation at that point? Hopefully they didn't say that then boot you out the door to figure out on your own how to deal with the symptoms. Go back and get some answers.
  • Bella77007
    Bella77007 Posts: 78 Member
    In November I had a complete breakdown with anxiety so bad I could barely function, I too had lost weight rapidly, I too was eating very low amounts and was afraid to increase it, one doctor said it was nothing to do with my weight loss, another said it might be and advised me to gain back enough weight to get my BMI back to 20 although she did say it may or may not help.

    I had so much blood work done and nothing was found, I did increase my calories and felt slightly better so I did something silly, I refused to gain weight like the doctor had advised, instead I maintained,sometimes even lost a bit.

    I considered myself to be making very slow progress with the anxiety and the dizzy spells had stopped so I stopped believing that it was anything to do with my weight, I even began to get more active but didn't eat back exercise calories because my daughter's birthday was coming and I knew I would eat a lot that day.

    On Wednesday I hopped on the scale, 101.5 pounds, this is 10.5 pounds less than the Dr advised, now that day also happened to be my daughter's birthday and I eat as I please on birthdays.

    The next morning (yesterday) I woke up expecting to feel my usual wave of anxiety but it wasn't there, off I went grocery shopping and I can tell you that if I am going to get anxious it will be there, it's the worst place for me so in I go expecting the usual jitters and there were none, I felt good, I was relaxed, chatting to staff and not rushing to get out.

    Yesterday I ate 1340 calories and according to Fitbit my burn was 1725, I didn't eat back anything because I had indulged at the party on Wednesday.

    Woke up this morning and bang, anxiety was there, that awful dread and doom was back and I felt awful whilst I was out too.

    Now I know I couldn't eat as much as I did on that birthday every single day of my life but it did wake me up to the fact that I frequently do not eat enough and something needs to change, it's not just the body that suffers for it but the mind too so from now on I will eat what I burn, no more skipping out exercise calories.

    I have an appointment with the doctor again in 2 weeks and will be discussing this once more, my question will be is it my weight or is it the calorie intake, this time if she says it's weight and tells me to gain I wont be ignoring her, I would rather be 10 pounds heavier and feel healthier and happier than feel like I do most days now, in fact the day after my own birthday I felt better too but put it down to coincidence, I now believe it is not, I believe I don't eat enough and that is why I am so unwell.

    You say you are eating more but not gaining weight, to me that says you are still not eating enough to gain, you need to increase the calories much more and consider reducing your exercise until you have sorted this out too but you absolutely do need to go back to the doctor and ask what they suggest you do to remedy this.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    edited May 2016
    Is there enough healthy FAT in your diet? With such a small body, you probably don't eat a lot, and if vegan a lot of the fatty foods are outside your diet.

    Try adding more:

    Flax or Hemp oils
    Coconut oil
    Walnuts!!!!! Walnuts, walnuts.
    Other nuts

    Triscuits are high fat, and vegan - I am not vegetarian but triscuits and hummus are my go-to foods when I need to gain weight. A lot of calories in a small package.

    Your symptoms do sound like your diet is unbalanced. I hesitate to say it, cause it's off topic and anecdotal, but vegan never felt good to me as a naturally more skinny/anxious type of person. Animal foods have always been more grounding somehow, cheese, yogurt. But you have to follow your conscience, of course.

    Look to fats and proteins, check what your daily intake of these is and increase it some.

    Also - have you had your iron checked? For me severe anemia feels like what you described, but with breathlessness.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    Tofuli wrote: »
    I then slowly tried to increase calories, but I just felt really uncomfortable about eating more.

    This is the sentence that caught my eye.