Going home next month!

I just moved across the country and am making a trip back home next month. I want to look and feel my best going back to see everyone. I have gained a little bit of weight since moving and want to lose that plus some. I am having a difficult time staying focused and am looking to find friends that have great tips and are active on MPF. Please help!


  • paymentm
    paymentm Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! I'm going back home in three months and hope to lose weight before seeing everyone again. I'm pretty active on MPF so add if you'd like :)
  • RunnerMan1ac
    RunnerMan1ac Posts: 4 Member
    If your looking to lose weight fast you have to be patient. Keep yourself true to MFP, I've been using it for 81 days now and hit my goal.

    So the the few tips i have are: keep your carbs low, eat healthy lean proteins such as turkey or chicken. Fats are not a bad thing as long as its a healthy fat like peanut butter, or nuts. Ground beef isn't all that bad but you want lean beef, 80/20 isn't bad but the more lean the more $.

    A few diets to look into are kito's diet (might have spelt that wrong) and intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is kinda simple put hard if you like to eat, eat small then eat like a king/queen for you last meal. Both diets are good.

    A big tip is eat your PROTEIN. Help keeps you full and keeps away cravings. Watch what you eat and pay attention to the nutritional facts. Keep your carbs low and if you eat carbs, eat healthy carbs. I cut bread out of my diet completely.

    A good tip for heatly weight loss is protein and how much daily intake is required. Typically you should be eating .35g per pound. For healthy weight loss you want to aim for .7 to .76g per pound daily.

    If you have questions ill try to respond, but the Internet is your friend.

    One quick thing for quick loss, look up cylon cinnamon. Hope this helps. And GL