Day 2 of this and I've already failed. :(

I totally pigged out today.... and I'm still hungry.


  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Tomorrow is another day.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Make little changes in your eating habits and before you know it, you will be committed and focused and on your way to changing your eating habits
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You're right. I'm going to change my handle now.

  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    You haven't failed.

    Look at this with curiosity. Were there emotional or physical stressors that are unusual for you, that may have triggered the munch-a-thon? How did you feel while you were eating? You might learn something about your eating habits! Come back and start fresh tomorrow.
  • Choosing2BHealthy86
    Choosing2BHealthy86 Posts: 8 Member
    Nothing out of the norm besides my TOM.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Nice name. One day at a time. Keep at it
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    It happens, (saying this in a nice way) but suck it up and get over it because tomorrow is a new day! :D Don't turn a bad day into a bad week. :)
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. I don't think anyone here can say they've eaten perfectly every day. It's a matter of not being defeated and moving ahead the next day or the next meal. Good luck!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    We all have to accept that we are human and move on. We all learn to count another victory instead and go to sleep every night with a victory on mind. Otherwise you overwhelm yourself with negative.

    Accept that you are human. Sometimes stress causes the hunger hormones to increase. Sometimes eating too low for two days can increase your hunger too much and there is no such thing as willpower. We all have to trial and error to find the right deficit and it may or may not be what the calculator says.

    Never give up.

    Never call it a failure. Thomas Edison found 10,000 ways that the light bulb didn't work, he did not call them failures, he called them steps to success. You can do that too if you decide to.
  • LoveEpifanie
    LoveEpifanie Posts: 37 Member
    llbrixon wrote: »
    Make little changes in your eating habits and before you know it, you will be committed and focused and on your way to changing your eating habits

    This 100%! I could not have started with everyday being perfect. Some lifestyle changes I made over time have really helped me to becoming more focused. Even small changes will have huge benefits in the long term. The first thing I did was I stopped drinking my calories. Water helps me so much! After I got that down, I then cut out fast food. I had a big problem with going to them and eating all the food I got in a matter of minutes.

    I would just look at what little changes you can make that will help you in the future and don't let one bad day make you quit all together. If you never stop this journey, you will never have to start again!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    I totally pigged out today.... and I'm still hungry.

    Did you log everything you ate? If you did then you didn't fail. Don't beat yourself up and start fresh tomorrow. If you didn't log it then log it now.
  • Choosing2BHealthy86
    Choosing2BHealthy86 Posts: 8 Member
    I logged everything.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    It takes time to make changes. Every day you make new choices.
    Every day will not be perfect. One high calorie day does not doom you. Log it and move on. If you are here around Thanksgiving or Christmas you will see that highly succesful people eat a generous amount those days and then move on.
    Look at your weekly calorie goal instead of just your daily goal. Eat at maintenance level sometimes.
    It doesn't stop you unless you choose to stop.
  • daisyyrush
    daisyyrush Posts: 6 Member
    I pigged out too.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I believe we can all say...been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

    Some days are just hungry days. But I am so proud of you for logging it all! That is success. Tomorrow, you'll start over.
  • oph296
    oph296 Posts: 12 Member
    Why you did it? Identify the reason and eliminate it for tomorrow.
  • RebekahDFoster
    RebekahDFoster Posts: 7 Member
    Try to switch up ur thinking...spend some time finding things that motivate you and create a system that reminds you of those motivations often throughout the day. And try to make it fun