Very Fustrated

Have not managed to shift my weight in the past 3 weeks - what am I doing wrong?. Some days I have exceeded 1200 calories, but then compensated with my exercise. Need to get going again as its very frustrated trying to be good and then nothing the following week.:sad:


  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    I've been stuck for awhile now, too. I have to remind myself that I have to be healthier doing all this work. One thing I'm reading a lot about is making sure we eat enough. I'm also doing 1200 calories, so on days that I don't get a workout in my day, I'm "in starvation mode?" I hardly ever have the 500 calorie deficit needed to lose 1 lb a week. That would mean my exercise has to go up. I'm also having trouble knowing, for sure, how many calories I'm really burning during exercise. Being a guestimate, I wonder sometimes if I'm overcalculating, therefore overeating my exercise calories back. Maybe this is happening to you, too? Hang in there. Our bodies will figure out that we mean business and let go of the extra baggage!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you weigh and measure everything you eat?

    do you net 1200 cals?
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    You need to eat your calories, so you don't go into starvation mode, you need to look at your carbs and try to reduce them, also sugars, only eat good sugars e.g. found in fresh fruit. Watch things like low calorie yoghurts they are full of sugar. I try to eat low fat youghurts or just go for full fat. The more exercise you can do the better, this also increases the amount of calories you can eat. Another thing I try to do, is have a bit of a cheat day at the weekend, so I tend to go over my calories then and this stops my body this seems to help with the starvation mode. When doing diet plans I was always told I wasn't eating enough, I didn't understand this until I started just counting my calories, now I aim to eat slightly different amounts of calories every day and it seems to work, I keep under my calorie count as much as I can during the week, but saturday or sunday I eat over. Last week I lost 5lbs. I am exercising 4 times a week for about 35 - 40 minutes a time, I go running and do zumba classes. Hope this helps. Hang on in there the weight will go.
  • khurrambutt
    khurrambutt Posts: 260 Member
    i am also not losing wait doing my diet and exercise feeling fustraed today i dont know wat i am doing wronge
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Patience. If you don't have a lot to lose you should only be expecting a half pound a week and even that may not happen. I'd re evaluate your numbers because most likely it's a case of 1200 not being enough instead of too much. Your body is fighting back because you're under feeding it. I'm 55, 5'2", 115 lbs and maintain that on 1500 minimum.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    sometimes you wont see the scale budge, but know that it could be due to more lean muscle vs fat. my withings tells me all that info, so if im the same weight, i see that either i gained muscle, but lost fat.

    make sure you are eating lots of protein and fiber. i know the days i go overboard on carbs, i do not lose AT ALL. watch the sodium and sugars too.

    it really does take patience, and you will see a drop. there is no way if you are eating 1200, your body isnt changing. keep going and ignore the scale!
  • psyche929
    psyche929 Posts: 4
    Same here. In two months, I've lost ten pounds, but it's stopped there. I'm so conscious of what I eat, and I make an effort to work out as often as I can. I'm having a motivation problem, though. I work out, at most, 30 minutes a day, which I expect is my problem.

    I don't mind sweating, I don't mind the idea of working out. But it's the shortness of breath and the pain in my legs (I do fast walking/jogging) that stops me. I had problems completing a workout with the elliptical, so I swapped to the treadmill, and it was so much better. However... I'm not getting enough exercise minutes in the day.

    I need motivation! I lift weights, I enjoy that, I'm really carefully watching what I eat. I hate this!
  • Giveusabreak
    Thanks for all your comments, very helpful. I must say at 60 yrs I don't exercise the same, I walk the dog every day between 30/60 mins. Some days I'm over my quoted 1200 cals but my exercise points compensate, is that wrong? Also, what is my 350 deficit, does that mean I have to save that amount over the week to lose a pould?? Not too sure on how this works. Appreciate your feedback.: happy:
  • weffie11
    weffie11 Posts: 91
    The 1200 calories INCLUDES the deficit - you don't need to eat less than that. I agree with the others that you may need to eat more to get moving. When you take your dogs, does it get your heart rate up? If it doesn't, try walking a bit faster, or walk faster for five minutes and slower for five minutes.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eat the 1200 plus most of your exercise calories each day. MFP has already done your deficit for you. So if you burn 300 calories walking then you eat say 1400 -1500.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Knowledge is power, Learn what your numbers are and what they mean.
    Here is good info:
  • Giveusabreak
    Thanks to everyone - I will see how things pan out for next week. Good luck with your weight loss.