New to this

kazz882 Posts: 29 Member
Hi, this is my first post, I have been actively trying to lose weight since March, this is the first time in my life that I have actually been in the right frame of mind to finally change my whole attitude and seriously bad eating habits. So far I have lost 1 stone 4 pounds, which I am really happy with! I only have about another 5 to go! Lol. Have to say I am loving this app and logging in what I eat is certainly keeping me on track.

I have massively reduced what I eat every day but I know I still need to dramatically change my whole diet, but at the moment I'm happy with the changes I have made, the way I see it is, I am in this for the long term, not interested in a quick fix.

One thing I don't really understand though is how I can go from eating thousands of calories, no exaggeration! to eating between 1300-1500 and still sometimes putting back on a couple of pounds? Don't get me wrong it's not getting me down, I refuse to be beaten! Just kinda thought I would stay the same weight rather than put on?

Anyway sorry for the long post!
Kazz x