I started taking the pill, will it make me gain weight ?



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    Honestly, I was an elite athlete when I started taking Yaz. I was okay. Then, as soon as I stopped sports I gained 10 kgs. Now, I'm on a new pill and it's not affecting my weight. Therefore, you should try taking a pill with low estrogen.

    Did you change the amount of calories that you ate when you stopped sports?

    I'm with @florinazamfir39 What they gave wasn't a smart a$$ed answer at all. It was the non sugar coated truth. I once thought medications caused my weight gain, but when I started to log, that idea left my brain fairly quickly. Yes, the medication can cause one to eat more, but that's just it. This is the behavior the individual needs to address . The pill itself physically won't make your gain weight if you control your calories, but yeah, binges.
    RachNRoll wrote: »
    “No, what is making you fat is your mouth that you keep opening up for food”.

    Wow! That's doesn't seem like a very nice way to put it!

    I love my doctor. He's blunt like this.

    When I went in years ago because of a foot thing he plain out told me. "You're fat that's why"

    And he was right too.
    My doctor is like this, too. Honest, non sugar coating, non *hugzzz* type. Right to the truth.I am glad. It's not offensive. I find it offensive when someone pussyfoots their way around things and sugar coats everything. ;)
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    choppie70 wrote: »
    The pill will not make you gain weight. It can increase your appetite. Keep logging your food and make sure you are hitting your target calories and you will still lose weight. I have been on the pill for about 8 years now and have lost weight with no issues. My weight gain was because I ate too much.
    Honestly, I was an elite athlete when I started taking Yaz. I was okay. Then, as soon as I stopped sports I gained 10 kgs. Now, I'm on a new pill and it's not affecting my weight. Therefore, you should try taking a pill with low estrogen.

    This made me giggle. You gained weight when you stopped sports, because sports were helping you attain a calorie deficit. You no longer gained extra calories from exercising! If you didn't lower your food intake, then of course you would gain weight. That has NOTHING to do with the pill.

    The bolded was my experience. I'm not on hormonal BC anymore because they were like crazy pills for me but the pill itself did not make me gain weight.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    I know when I took the shot one I gained weight. When I used the Nuvo Ring I gained weight. Both were hard to lose with. Now I'm on a low estrogen one it seems fine.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    edited May 2016
    I've been on the shot for almost 4 years. I've lost almost 30 lbs total, with 20 of those this year alone. Control CICO, and you will lose (or maintain). Hormones alone will not cause you to gain. You may want to switch if the hormones make you especially lazy or hungry. I know that I am extremely lazy/tired for the first 3 or 4 days after getting the shot (then it goes away). I react to that by fighting through the tiredness and working out anyways or just eating less those days.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    If you're already weighing and logging everything meticulously while eating in a deficit, and continue to do so while taking BC, it shouldn't be an issue. Best of luck! :)
  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    No, it won't.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Nahhh. The only one with scientific evidence of weight gain is the shot. The pill is very well known for increasing appetite, so then it's up to you to control it. I personally do notice that my appetite increases after I take mine, but I'd read the pamphlet and knew that appetite increase and/or nausea could occur and I didn't want to put up with that nonsense throughout the day, so I took it at night and still do. Then I just have an evening snack already planned, drink plenty of water, and take myself to sleep. If you do notice that your side effects are wild, talk to your doctor. There are pills with lower estrogen, and there are mini pills (progesterone-only)
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I know when I took the shot one I gained weight. When I used the Nuvo Ring I gained weight. Both were hard to lose with. Now I'm on a low estrogen one it seems fine.

    that wasn't the pill or the shot or the ring tho causing the weight gain. I've used the pill, the shot, Mirena all while losing this 50lbs...and previous.

    you ate too much food...

    the side effect is increased appetite which we can control...not increased hunger.

    This. Women are so quick to blame hormones for weight gain even though there is no scientific evidence to support that. The pill may cause an increase in appetite for some people but there's no proof it's not psychosomatic. It doesn't matter what pills you're taking, you still get to choose what you put in your mouth.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Im on the shot and Ive lost 55lbs so far while on it. Its harder to curb cravings Ill admit, but just control your calorie intake and you shouldnt gain weight while on it.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I know when I took the shot one I gained weight. When I used the Nuvo Ring I gained weight. Both were hard to lose with. Now I'm on a low estrogen one it seems fine.

    that wasn't the pill or the shot or the ring tho causing the weight gain. I've used the pill, the shot, Mirena all while losing this 50lbs...and previous.

    you ate too much food...

    the side effect is increased appetite which we can control...not increased hunger.

    This. Women are so quick to blame hormones for weight gain even though there is no scientific evidence to support that. The pill may cause an increase in appetite for some people but there's no proof it's not psychosomatic. It doesn't matter what pills you're taking, you still get to choose what you put in your mouth.

    Exactly. I am on yasmin (was on minestrin) and am on a bunch of other meds that claim weight gain and am over 80lbs down.