Weekend Help

Hello.. Ive developed this tricky pattern over the past few months, and I was wondering if anyone out there is dealing with similar issues..
I started MFP a few months ago, along with C25K. I recently completed the C25K, and feel really great about that, and Ive decided to keep the MFP going- as I've been moderately successful with it.

Heres my deal- my Monday through Friday routine is very predictable- work, gym, food prep, eating right... but now that summer is here, my weekends are a disaster. Ive actually gotten away from logging my weekends, because theyre that ridiculous (I know, I know, that's an easy fix, and one of my answers)..

can anyone relate? if so, what are some strategies?


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Spring, summer, winter, fall. Keep your routine.

    You know what you need to do. So do it.

  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Hello.. Ive developed this tricky pattern over the past few months, and I was wondering if anyone out there is dealing with similar issues..
    I started MFP a few months ago, along with C25K. I recently completed the C25K, and feel really great about that, and Ive decided to keep the MFP going- as I've been moderately successful with it.

    Heres my deal- my Monday through Friday routine is very predictable- work, gym, food prep, eating right... but now that summer is here, my weekends are a disaster. Ive actually gotten away from logging my weekends, because theyre that ridiculous (I know, I know, that's an easy fix, and one of my answers)..

    can anyone relate? if so, what are some strategies?

    Just need to try to stick to it the best you can. Just make yourself do it. Log all your food at the beginning of the day if you need to and go back and tweak it if it changes any. I have a similar problem in that I still track my food but I tend to make worse choices in what I eat on Sat/Sun, especially on the weekends that I work.
  • robynleebarry
    robynleebarry Posts: 4 Member
    I feel you! I can manage a workday routine pretty well, but when the structure goes I find it much harder. I've found I'm more successful when I have people holding me accountable -even if its just on the internet. like perky mommy I find if I enter my food the night before on the weekends I am more limey to stick to the plan. And lastly; Know you are capable! You are managing well throughout the week so it isn't impossible - it might just feel that way.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    For weekends try keep a written food diary to doccument into fitness pal at the end of the day if you slip you atleast have it written in long hand in a notebook