Gluten free brunch?

riricici Posts: 22 Member
I'm hosting a brunch next week and one of the attendees is gluten free. Can anyone suggest some food recipes or sites that have easy but delicious gluten free brunch recipes? TIA


  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    You could make a Frittata or some mini quiche cups. Fill them with anything!
    Soup? Salad? Anything that's not a sandwich. OR Get some GF bread.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If they are GF due to allergies or celiacs, check with them first to make sure they are not bringing their own food. You would also have to make sure there is no cross contamination (another reason they may bring their own food).
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I would second what elphie said. Celiacs very, very rarely eat food at someone's house that they didn't make themselves, because cross contamination is just too easily done, and will make them sick (for example, a celiac has to have food made on either dedicated gluten free pots/pans/equipment, or at least ones that have been scoured so no trace of gluten remains, and no crevices, cracks, wood, or plastic that can hold/hide a protein and release it out later on contact with other foods - it's a right pain, basically).

    gluten free folks, on the other hands, if it's for intolerance, may be eating what you've got.

    For easy recipes, I would highly recommend Pinterest, actually. You just look up recipe gluten free brunch and it's very easy to poke through the recipes because they're visual and easy to get an idea of what they'd be like, you know?
  • blondie_mfp
    blondie_mfp Posts: 62 Member
    mimosas. obviously.

    and if this person also wants food, you could do a crust-free quiche or even just scrambled eggs with some cheese and veggies, bacon, maybe a hash of some sort, fruit tray with yogurt dip, etc. tons of options!