Free at last

gonnaloseit4ever Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2016 in Motivation and Support
I've finally been released to exercise again! Though months of bedrest & weekly injections have certainly taken their toll on my weight, I'm excited to start again. On a positive note, we now have a beautiful healthy baby boy :) he weighed right at 9 lbs at birth! I am taking the plunge and getting on the scale today to survey the damage and post those digits for the world to see :# Im hoping to make some new friends because after months of not being able to exercise or calorie count, in afraid my friends list dwindled down and I am going to need a lot of motivation to keep that scale going in the right direction! I promise to do the same for you!
Much love and motivation sent your way from sunny Florida <3


  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Best of luck to you! Everything will be alright :):)
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I'm happy to hear you have such a positive reason to be starting again. Best of luck, feel free to add me.
  • Inspired_Momma
    Inspired_Momma Posts: 39 Member
    Congrats on the birth, and welcome back to the group!! Good luck with your journey.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Congrats on the new little one! Mine is 8 months now. I've lost 47 pounds since he was born, with about 22 left to go. Feel free to add me!
  • nado650
    nado650 Posts: 90 Member
    Congratulations and feel free to add me I am an active member and could use all the motivation one can get !
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Did you get on the scales?
    What's that number?