Need friends/my difficulties

Hi all,
I've had MFP for quite some time and have always had trouble sticking with it. It's just hard to stay on top of tracking sometimes, but I'm really going to try to stick with it. I thought having some more friends on here might help.

Right now I've been going to the gym with a trainer 2x/wk (1hr session) plus 1-2x/wk on my own. I have been cooking more and do know how to eat healthy - the issue has always been just actually doing it consistently. I tend to get cases of the *kitten*-its and slip up by eating out more than I should, snacking, etc. So I thought I might try only eating out 1x per week. Anyone else have any tips regarding this?

I'm trying to be easier on myself and not get discouraged. That is one of my biggest problems. I have been going back and forth between the same 10 lbs (with more to go from there) for quite a while because I will lose some (perhaps water weight), then gain a little back and get discouraged. I know I shouldn't focus on the number on the scale so much, but retraining your brain is hard! Lol.

One last issue I have which has impeded my weight loss process is that I live with my parents who don't eat very healthy and often do not cook and end up coming up with a last minute meal idea that's not healthy. I do not mind cooking meals for us myself at all, but I have a very busy life with pursuing my masters and other commitments, so some nights I can't do that. Planning meals for the week has always been good, but we always have trouble sticking with that. What have you found that's worked for you? I thought maybe devoting weekend time to planning meals/shopping would be the way to go.

Looking forward to the feedback! :)