I ran my first 10k



  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Excellent job on completing your first 10k. Last year I wouldn't consider myself a runner but around the same time I signed up for a 10k race and then subsequently a Half Marathon a few months later.

    Definitely won't be me. I'm a cyclist first and foremost, I can cover 20 miles in the same time it takes me to run 6.4 of them. I'm starting to enjoy running too, or at least to look forward to doing it, but I think 10k is as far as I'll ever want to run.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited May 2016
    Excellent job on completing your first 10k. Last year I wouldn't consider myself a runner but around the same time I signed up for a 10k race and then subsequently a Half Marathon a few months later.

    Definitely won't be me. I'm a cyclist first and foremost, I can cover 20 miles in the same time it takes me to run 6.4 of them. I'm starting to enjoy running too, or at least to look forward to doing it, but I think 10k is as far as I'll ever want to run.

    Yeah you say that but...

    I was a cyclist before I was a runner. I swore I would stop after my first 5k. Then it was a 10k. I recently ran my first HM.

    I swore to my wife that I had absolutely no interest in running a marathon.

    Well, not until I get my HM time under 1hr 50 that is...

    It will happen to yooooooou!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Or just do triathlons -- then you get to do both AND swim. ;-)
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    My next goal with running is pretty aggressive: to cover a mile in 7 mins.

    My near-term cycling goals are: to ride to the top of Slate Peak from the valley floor, and to do the Angels Staircase loop in the Chelan Sawtooths. Here's a picture from Slate. :smile:
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Excellent job on completing your first 10k. Last year I wouldn't consider myself a runner but around the same time I signed up for a 10k race and then subsequently a Half Marathon a few months later.

    Definitely won't be me. I'm a cyclist first and foremost, I can cover 20 miles in the same time it takes me to run 6.4 of them. I'm starting to enjoy running too, or at least to look forward to doing it, but I think 10k is as far as I'll ever want to run.

    Yeah you say that but...

    I was a cyclist before I was a runner. I swore I would stop after my first 5k. Then it was a 10k. I recently ran my first HM.

    I swore to my wife that I had absolutely no interest in running a marathon.

    Well, not until I get my HM time under 1hr 50 that is...

    It will happen to yooooooou!

    Yeah, a 5k is definitely the gateway drug. I got as far as a few half-marathons before temporarily giving up running due to non-running related injuries. Building my way back up there at the moment. I think a full marathon is probably out of my range, but you never know.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Here's a picture from Slate[/url]. :smile:

    Now you're just showing off...

  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Excellent job on completing your first 10k. Last year I wouldn't consider myself a runner but around the same time I signed up for a 10k race and then subsequently a Half Marathon a few months later.

    Definitely won't be me. I'm a cyclist first and foremost, I can cover 20 miles in the same time it takes me to run 6.4 of them. I'm starting to enjoy running too, or at least to look forward to doing it, but I think 10k is as far as I'll ever want to run.

    Yeah you say that but...

    I was a cyclist before I was a runner. I swore I would stop after my first 5k. Then it was a 10k. I recently ran my first HM.

    I swore to my wife that I had absolutely no interest in running a marathon.

    Well, not until I get my HM time under 1hr 50 that is...

    It will happen to yooooooou!

    Yeah, a 5k is definitely the gateway drug. I got as far as a few half-marathons before temporarily giving up running due to non-running related injuries. Building my way back up there at the moment. I think a full marathon is probably out of my range, but you never know.

    May 15, ran my first 5K in some 25 years (29:04 chip time). Immediately signed up for another on Memorial Day. Find myself looking ahead to see what else is scheduled. Not sure if I want to, or can, graduate to a 10K although my training to date has had me do 6+miles in about and hour ten minutes. Also fine myself looking at the HMs. Wondering if I've just gone crazy. I've found a 4 miler in August and a HM in September. All local to me.

    Currently running three days a week (5 miles, 5 miles 6/7 miles Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) with lifting Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with golf on Friday, walking the course. Not sure if I could do a whole half.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I didn't do a program like C25K, I just started running one day, and then occasionally running again. A "long" run here and there, with some shorter ones between, the longer ones getting a little bit longer each time. It became obvious that it was heading towards a 10k. I feel like I've achieved that. :smile: Just don't have any draw to run longer distances.

    I'm not sure if this helps my cycling or not. I had a goal to run 400 miles this month and won't make it because I used a lot of my exercise time to run instead of ride. I feel like this is giving me a bigger match book, though.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    A year ago I'd never run more than a block as an adult and didn't think it was something I could do, nor did I have any interest.

    I bought a Garmin Fenix 3 because I needed a wristwatch (mine died), and because I realized I could leave my hiking GPS and AA batteries behind if I had one on my wrist. On few-day hikes that saves me more than a pound from my backpack. :)

    At some point last summer, I had this thought that I'd spent a lot of money on a device with a lot of specialized running features, and I should run occasionally to get the most of it. Also I'd been reading about cyclists with brittle bones because road cycling doesn't have enough impact, and seeing the advice to run to address this. So one day I ran a mile, and thought I'd die about 4/5 of the way in. Honestly I don't know why I stuck with it. But I ran from time to time, sometimes a little longer than I'd run before.

    I'm not proud of my pace through this, but I'm happy I was able to do it without stopping or walking.


    Wow - those are some very detailed stats. I think this is AWESOME.

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'm not sure if this helps my cycling or not.

    Anecdotally I found that cycling helped my running but not the other way round for some reason.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    OP, great job!!! I wish I could do 10K - you should be proud of yourself for finishing!