Carb question



  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    Thanks for taking the time to reply it's appreciated

    I've opened my diary

    My diary is public, I honestly don't care what other people think, and neither should you :smile:

    Once a person on here said I shouldn't eat crisps as they are awful and I don't deserve to lose weight unless I eat clean

    Lesson of the day: People are asshats.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    Thanks for taking the time to reply it's appreciated

    I've opened my diary

    My diary is public, I honestly don't care what other people think, and neither should you :smile:

    Once a person on here said I shouldn't eat crisps as they are awful and I don't deserve to lose weight unless I eat clean

    Lesson of the day: People are asshats.

    Ha yup I was married to one :@O

  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    Thanks for taking the time to reply it's appreciated

    I've opened my diary

    My diary is public, I honestly don't care what other people think, and neither should you :smile:

    Once a person on here said I shouldn't eat crisps as they are awful and I don't deserve to lose weight unless I eat clean

    That person is an fool...

    I agree I've had much worse said on here lol

    You need to be on the website to see Christine's diary, not the app.

    Oh Thankyou
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    There are some people who think there way is the only way to loose weight. My advice to you is to take what other say with a grain of salt and find what works best for you. find something you make a life style way of eating not just a short term diet.Be sure to drink lots of water. Recomended amount of plain water is half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    Just checked out the past few days, and you look like you're doing pretty good. I would try to focus on getting some more of your carbs from fibrous sources like leafy green vegetables and the like, and reducing some of the grains. Given that you're lower carb, I'd also bump the fat up at least a bit. However, I think your diary is much, much better than many folks I've seen.

    A bit lower carb may help with the PCOS. The higher fat may help, too. Or it may have zero impact. The thing is, those of us with PCOS tend to be insulin resistant. If you're not, it probably doesn't matter if you have a ton of bread. Worth a try though!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited May 2016
    There are some people who think there way is the only way to loose weight. My advice to you is to take what other say with a grain of salt and find what works best for you. find something you make a life style way of eating not just a short term diet.Be sure to drink lots of water. Recomended amount of plain water is half your body weight in ounces of water daily.

    I always forget to add water to diary I drink no way near 2.8 litres probably 1 litre could that hinder me ?
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Just checked out the past few days, and you look like you're doing pretty good. I would try to focus on getting some more of your carbs from fibrous sources like leafy green vegetables and the like, and reducing some of the grains. Given that you're lower carb, I'd also bump the fat up at least a bit. However, I think your diary is much, much better than many folks I've seen.

    A bit lower carb may help with the PCOS. The higher fat may help, too. Or it may have zero impact. The thing is, those of us with PCOS tend to be insulin resistant. If you're not, it probably doesn't matter if you have a ton of bread. Worth a try though!

    I've bad ibs d so I have to becareful on what I eat I do wonder if I ate more if lose more simply as some days I burn a lot but don't eat much I've a Fitbit so it's telling me I burn some days 3200 calories but I eat 1200 I don't know def harder as I'm older

    Thankyou for your help its appreciate
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I focus more on percentages--my macros are set to 35% carb, 35% protein and 30% fat. At 1350 calories, that's 118 grams. But I'm usually much higher than that due to activity level (I'm in maintenance).
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    You are welcome. prayers that you find what works for you. If I can do this so can you.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited May 2016
    size102b wrote: »
    How many grams a day do you aim for not % I struggle to get them lower think it would help my losses

    @size102b I try to eat just <50 grams of carbs but that is for pain management. After my pain dropped from 7-8 levels to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale in just 30 days needlessly to say I still eat that way. :)

    I had yo yo dieted for 40 years and in Oct 2014 my health was a wreak with my mobile even worse and the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections and my brain and wife were saying NO NO NO. On a hunch I cut out all sugar and all forms of grain trying to cut out my pain by diet. A ton of other positive health factors has happened since Oct 2014 like 40 years of serious IBS fully resolved after six months of LCHF eating and has not returned ever yet. By Nov 2014 my cravings for carb based foods had faded and have been ZERO for over a year now which indirectly cut my calories.

    While cutting carbs drastically worked for me I do not advice others to do so but if interested google and read about many different macros and try one of interest to you for 90 days then reevaluate over and over tweaking as you think best.

    A couple months ago I cut out cheese but only realized that two days ago for example. I have been working to get more magnesium into my body by supplements so perhaps I achieved that goal (legs stopped cramping) so I lost my drive to eat cheese which does contain some level of magnesium.

    While this is just my opinion I now think cravings are just the body trying to tell us it is missing something and it hopes if it makes us eat more maybe accidentally we will eat the nutrients it needs to be healthy. :)

    By the way I had to see myself in my coffin soon if I did not make some eating change fast. That got me through the hellish first two weeks of Oct 2014 before the cravings went to ZERO and stayed there.

    Best of success. You are much closer than you may think I expect.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited May 2016
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    I focus more on percentages--my macros are set to 35% carb, 35% protein and 30% fat. At 1350 calories, that's 118 grams. But I'm usually much higher than that due to activity level (I'm in maintenance).

    I'm just so busy I find I grab food and run as I eat last , look after me last working with children & a husband who's doesn't cook and clean I just need to make more time for myself maybe low carb meals etc

    Thankyou :)
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    You are welcome. prayers that you find what works for you. If I can do this so can you.

    Thankyou I do feel a bit sad atm as losses seen rubbish
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited May 2016
    size102b wrote: »
    How many grams a day do you aim for not % I struggle to get them lower think it would help my losses

    @size102b I try to eat just <50 grams of carbs but that is for pain management. After my pain dropped from 7-8 levels to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale in just 30 days needlessly to say I still eat that way. :)

    I had yo yo dieted for 40 years and in Oct 2014 my health was a wreak with my mobile even worse and the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections and my brain and wife were saying NO NO NO. On a hunch I cut out all sugar and all forms of grain trying to cut out my pain by diet. A ton of other positive health factors has happened since Oct 2014 like 40 years of serious IBS fully resolved after six months of LCHF eating and has not returned ever yet. By Nov 2014 my cravings for carb based foods had faded and have been ZERO for over a year now which indirectly cut my calories.

    While cutting carbs drastically worked for me I do not advice others to do so but if interested google and read about many different macros and try one of interest to you for 90 days then reevaluate over and over tweaking as you think best.

    A couple months ago I cut out cheese but only realized that two days ago for example. I have been working to get more magnesium into my body by supplements so perhaps I achieved that goal (legs stopped cramping) so I lost my drive to eat cheese which does contain some level of magnesium.

    While this is just my opinion I now think cravings are just the body trying to tell us it is missing something and it hopes if it makes us eat more maybe accidentally we will eat the nutrients it needs to be healthy. :)

    By the way I had to see myself in my coffin soon if I did not make some eating change fast. That got me through the hellish first two weeks of Oct 2014 before the cravings went to ZERO and stayed there.

    Best of success. You are much closer than you may think I expect.

    Thankyou and well done glad you've succeeded :). I've done very low carbing it caused me to hemoragh ketosis can do this so I can't go below 40 g carbs aday hospital said
    I do need to make low carb meals though
    It's a long road hey but we'll get there
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Have you considered joining the low carb forum? You'll get loads of ideas there. @Panda_Poptarts can you post the link?

    When i was low carbing, I completely eliminated cereals and most fruit, other than berries. I ate loads of green leafy veg. I subbed mash potato for cauliflower mash, eggs for breakfast or bullet proof coffee sometimes. Quest bars, yogurt, cottage cheese or fat bombs for sweet snacks.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Have you considered joining the low carb forum? You'll get loads of ideas there. @Panda_Poptarts can you post the link?

    When i was low carbing, I completely eliminated cereals and most fruit, other than berries. I ate loads of green leafy veg. I subbed mash potato for cauliflower mash, eggs for breakfast or bullet proof coffee sometimes. Quest bars, yogurt, cottage cheese or fat bombs for sweet snacks.

    Ive ibs d & I can't take caffeine it gives me migraines high fat I have an intolerance to since aged 11 I can't have full fat diary I have tried to do what you recommend but sadly my ibs was so bad I couldn't leave the house
    Surely blessed

    I do agree though I need to try different breakfasts I tried eggs but was hungry I do tend to grab quick foods as I'm busy but I need to change other than that maybe it's my age nearly 47 and ill last year as I'm strict :(

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm hearing ya, I couldn't be bothered cooking for breakfast. I don't eat breakfast at all, just drink milky tea all morning.
    I wish I could help you, but I am not at all educated in your medical conditions, and what works for me won't work for you.

    FTR I don't drink coffee. What I had was BPHC, Bulletproof hot chocolate. I subbed the coffee for chocolate protein powder.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited May 2016
    I see pitas, cereal, fruit, popcorn...sometimes all in the same day. Low carb just isn't going to happen that way. Do you pre-log/plan your days? That could help. You'll have to make some decisions as you whether the crisps for lunch really fit in the day if you're going to have cereal, popcorn, and fruit..etc. Dinner on Tuesday was basically all carbs, no fat, and very little protein. You'll figure it out.

    I haven't been logging but if you go back from mid to late April in my diary you'll see how I was netting between 50-100 carbs top.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I have small portions
    Cereal 40 g
    Pitta is tiny it's Weightwatchers
    Popcorn is rare only been 3 times this year roughly
    Crisps are my only treat

    I just don't find salad & eggs filling so would eat more if I didn't have what I do now
    I just read if you don't eat enough and exercise you retain water tbh last week I gained 5lbs in 2 days and my diary is honest it can't be fat
    But I appreciate your advice also it's money eating low carb is more fresh meat and veg etc and feeding 5 of us 3 growing children it's expensive plus fussy I will try looking into cheap lower carb alternatives just cereal is cheap and 5 pitta beads last me all week day lunches
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ^^^^ yes^^^^ Prelogging definitely helps. It sometimes took me 10 times going in and out of my diary rearranging this, taking away that etc etc before I had my macros where I wanted them.