WW Refugee, starting over...

segwayne Posts: 52 Member
Good morning,

Glad to be here! Compulsive stress eating guy here, just wanted to introduce myself.

A little background. In December 2011, I started WW at 327#. By December 2012, I got down to 249#, then -- due to work -- I moved to a new area. The new area (D.C.) is 200% more "all-go, all the time" stressful, and to be honest, the only WW meeting I could find was run by probably the most poorly trained staff I'd ever seen.

Aforementioned staff constantly made negative comments like "you need to rethink your goal", "that would be a boring food choice" (in response to my favorite meal), and my ALL-TIME FAVORITE... "You should eat more food" (to a compulsive overeater on a plateau at 250#).... I know there were other locations and times, but in DC traffic, I'd never had made any of them without either having to sit around waiting for the meeting, or sitting in traffic for hours...

So, I got discouraged and quit...

Now, as of 3 weeks ago, I was back at 283#, and getting disgusted at the idea of buying bigger clothes, when a friend of mine sent me here...

All I can say is wow... I do miss the one-on-one of the WW meetings (not that I had much in common with a bunch of Yankee women :) ) but WW's online services truly blow in comparison to MyFitnessPal..

Three weeks in, I'm down to 278, with an initial goal of 270. When I get there, next goal is 265 and so forth...

Sorry for babbling, but the forum does say "Introduce yourseif".. :smile:

Have a great week everyone, and stay on target.



  • Dragon67
    Dragon67 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to your new "group"..:smile: Stress eating, I am with you on that one, just hds something similar myself and now back to here to get things in check (again!). I hope you find this a good place to be.
  • Dragon67
    Dragon67 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to your new "group"..:smile: Stress eating, I am with you on that one, just had something similar myself and now back to here to get things in check (again!). You will not be on your own .... I hope you find this a good place to be.
  • mistyblu13
    mistyblu13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey Wayne

    congrats on getting started again :) I used WW too 15yrs ago-lost the weight I needed to then got divorced and gained lol so I am back on here trying to get healthy again and trying to get my BF healthy with me but we both are stress eaters as well.....well emotional eaters since it doesn't really take much lol anyways I just wanted to say good for you on not giving up! :)
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Congrats on the weight loss at weight watchers, and although you gained some back you are doing something about it. I am sorry to hear you can't find a good meeting for weight watchers in the DC area. I love MFP and the chats here but I am also on weight watchers and love the meetings, they are very motivational for me but without the right group it is harder. Maybe you can find a weekend group that works for you? I think they put their best people on Saturday and Sunday mornings (at least that is my experience). I like the WW site for counting points but haven't had much luck exploring chats, MFP rocks for that.

    One of my best strategies when I want to stress eat is to go for a walk, and either walk until I feel better or until I want to drop from exhaustion. Unfortunately that doesn't always help when at work, etc. but sometimes changing locations can, so get up, if you're able to leave whatever you are doing and walk to the bathroom, or water fountain. Just changing environment for 5 minutes can help me a lot.

    Good luck.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Be sure and Search the Groups tab for anything with a common interest. (could be almost anything from location to the exercise machine or DVD you use to "When I'm not exercising I'm reading [or other interest]". That way, you can find some MFP Friends with common interests and get more of a feeling of give-and-take.

    Who knows, there may even be a Group specifically for WW refugees (I never looked for that) :smile: