Abdominal Surgery and Maintaining Fitness Progress

DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
edited May 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey y'all,

I have been making huge progress, I'm down 23lbs since November and I'm only 3lbs away from my goal weight and almost down to my 19% body fat goal. However, I've just been diagnosed with a condition which means I must stay on bed rest for the week or so leading up to surgery and then I'll have about 3 weeks needed to recover from said surgery.

I am terrified that I am going to lose all my hard earned results, and while I understand that I can always get them back, it still is very depressing to me.

I have put my activity level down to sedentary, and I've been careful to stay under that, I haven't gained any weight, but I still feel so much more... puffy and soft, which is incredibly frustrating. Are there any exercises I can do that won't jostle my insides to maintain tone or advice on what I can do to preserve what I have achieved so far, or do I just need to accept that there's nothing I can do and just plan on making up for it once I'm better? Maybe yoga? Though, I would assume I need to be careful about that too... Rest is a 4-letter word when it's for an extended period of time, I'm chomping at the bit!

Please be kind, haha, I'm just in a bit of shock/horror at the moment. And also terrified of surgery. *Sigh*


  • ArmyofAdrian
    ArmyofAdrian Posts: 177 Member
    edited May 2016
    You'll probably lose weight after surgery even without exercise. Do EXACTLY what the doctor says. Be grateful you live in an age and a country where excellent surgery is available.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Heal yourself, allow for recovery and get back to work.

    It's all about perspective. It sounds like exercise is a very important aspect of your life. Perhaps so important that you plan on keeping up with exercise as long as you are able. If you keep going for another 20 years or more you'll look back at this brief interruption as a tiny bump in the road.