Hello there

eva40mfp Posts: 3 Member
Hello everyone

I turned 40 this year and feel now is the time to change my life.

Having just had my 40+ check up with the doctor my blood pressure and colestrol count are both at good levels my bmi is awful. I'm 19 stone and 5'6" . I have had s child six months ago and after reading the article about sleep deprivation l think this has had a impact on me, l tried running at 13 weeks joining a group but it was just too much, too soon.

I was 13 stone 5 years ago no children and a regular gym goer so l want to get back to a normal weight for me. I can't actually commit to the gym so l am just going to use my husbands cross trainer for 30 mins per day and go swimming 3 times a week as well. I am going to need friends to keep me going so please feel free to say hi .


  • debrasbarnard1
    debrasbarnard1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi good luck, I'm new on here too, but feeling very determined
  • eva40mfp
    eva40mfp Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck to you too, feel free to add me as a friend for support.