sore muscles mean gain?

What does sore muscles mean after cardio or strength training?


  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    It means DOMS. Which is just inflammation do to stress on the muscles to which they're unaccustomed to. It could also mean poor diet resulting in poor recovery, improper sleep, high stress levels, low amounts of healthy anti inflammatory fatty acids in your diet. I recover much less affectively when I'm cutting body weight compared to when I'm bulking. I feel deadlifts for up to 3 days in my traps and lats, purely due to the fact that my body has less nutrients to recover with, all the while I'm gaining absolutely no muscle in the process.
  • hhazzouri
    hhazzouri Posts: 103 Member
    It means your body got a level of stress that it's not used to. This is not exactly science but if you ask me being moderately soar means i'm doing a good job.