Reasons to slim down


My reasons:

1. Getting married in September, and I want to wow my SO who has been hearing me talk about losing weight for years but hasn't seen any results.

2. My job requires me to fit into some really tight spaces, so being thin (but strong) will make my life easier.

3. I'd like to be able to wear my favorite clothes again without feeling like an apple with toothpicks sticking out of it.

4. When we have kids, I want to be a good role model for them. I want them to grow up with good habits and a healthy attitude towards food and exercise, so I need to develop them myself.

30 lbs in 17 weeks. Joined a gym, started an active career, if I can get my eating and beer drinking under control then I think I just might be able to do it!

What are some of your motivations to lose weight/get healthier?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    MFP helped me lose more than 70 pounds a few years ago and keep it off. Now, my goals are to stay fit, and my motivations are things like:
    1. I have 2 very active young boys I need to keep up with - and I want to teach them healthy habits.
    2. Fitting into my clothes
    3. Feeling sexy
    4. Hiking
    5. Racing
    6. My Hubby recently started on the fitness train, and he's my main reason/focus for staying fit right now. I'm so proud of him. :) He's always been very fit - just has carried a little extra weight. He decided he wanted a change, so I'm silently (and sometimes not silently) cheering him on from the sidelines.

    Welcome to MFP - I hope you reach your goals. :)