Pause, Breathe, and Begin Again



  • brrjordan1
    brrjordan1 Posts: 3 Member
    me too!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Good for you for coming back. I've stopped and started with taking accountability and making a commitment so many times it's kinda ridiculous. But like you mentioned, the point isn't how many times you fall but how many times you get back up again :) Committing for the first time this time and always happy to have more people to exchange encouragement with!
  • CAgirlMolly
    I really needed this! I could always use more motivation and I could help motivate you as well, so feel free to add me!!
  • k8teySt3v3ns
    k8teySt3v3ns Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my goodness I needed to see this today. I haven't logged on in ages, was thinking of doing a juice fasting diet but skimming through forums to try and find the support/motivation to get restarted. Like everyone else I have a million reasons and excuses not too, but lots of reasons why I should.

    As of today I'm going to stop waiting for the perfect day, it isn't coming, even on a bad day I can make better choices.

    I need friends and support, I'm 32, have a husband, two kids 8 and 2 and run my own company working around 50 hours a week. My target is to lose 100lbs.
  • readanddance
    readanddance Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied! I'm logging my food and feeling a bit better about starting now rather than waiting for the "perfect day." My next hurdle is getting off my tail and going outside!
  • morschjodo
    morschjodo Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't logged since the end of May :( a weekend without internet was all it took to tumble downhill. I've logged today after some encouragement by my health nurse at work. I haven't weighed myself yet to see where that's at, probably not too good. I can do it, just not very motivated right now. I miss having a gym membership and my classes to keep me accountable not to mention in better shape! Budget after (micro preemie) Baby has been difficult but hoping my neighbor and I can start doing some workouts together.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    YAY! The hardest part is starting again. And it's easy to wait for the "perfect" moment...there never is one. So props to you for getting back online especially at a time that felt hard for you :)
    Feel free to add me :)