Diabetics please HELP

Hey guys, my mother is a diabetic and is struggling with her weight loss journey. She is working towards improving her overall health. She is currently on various medications as well as two injections a day, it hurts me so much to see her struggling and depressed. She feels embarrassed and ashamed to go to the gym because of her weight instead is trying to work out at home. I want to help her as much as possible so please if you are a diabetic who has had success losing weight, improving your health as well as effectively managing your diabetes, I would appreciate any nutritional and exercise tips and of course any other advice that you would love to share.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Eat less carbohydrate. Probably the most beneficial thing in diabetes.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello, I have had type 2 diabetes for 5 years now. Diet and exercise keeps me on track. I've lost 34 lbs in the 5 months I've been here.
    The best way is to see how my body feels and reacts.
    For exercise, I started walking and then I found fitness blender and absolutely fell in love with their workout videos. I do cardio and strength training at home now and I feel so much better.
    Meds help stay on track; I can understand not wanting to go to the gym. There's so much she can do, while at home, and once she's comfortable, she can head to the gym.
    But, we must remember that diet plays a huge, huge part. I used to LOVE sugary stuff; but I stopped having them, and now I'm less and less inclined to have them. Been this way for almost 6 months. There are even days when having sweets kind of disgusts me. I take that as a good sign, because being a diabetic means being extra, extra cautious when it comes to sugar.
    I have fruits in moderation. Frankly (and luckily), most days, I don't remember I'm a diabetic and the weight loss is pretty smooth.
    But, obviously different people have different experiences, and I'm fairly young(I'm 23). I wish her all the best on the journey. :smile:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Losing weight helps some diabetics but eating lower carb will help all diabetics to a age the disease, and perhaps reverse it at least somewhat. Losing 20% of my weight did not help me but eating low carb high fat definitely did help my blood glucose. Cutting out sugars, baked goods, high sugar fruits and starchy vegetables made a huge difference in my life. I followed Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, which is a LCHF guide for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. A super helpful book. http://www.diabetes-book.com/diabetes-solution/

    He also has some youtube videos for those who will not read nonfiction health books. Here is one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WFNGdKSXx64

    Good luck to her.