
TracyMyers202 Posts: 14 Member
I'm new to this group and I'm a bit confused how it is supposed to help. After having major stress hit me, I regained all the weight I lost. I am trying to get back on track but I know extreme dieting will not be a permanent solution. I'm looking for friends who can encourage and offer cooking ideas and advice. The stress is still there, but I'm trying to climb on top of the beep instead of being buried in it.


  • mikichrisman
    mikichrisman Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning. ME TOO. 55 and still to figure out how to peacefully live with my body and appetite. I have a big part today, so my plan is to eat veggies and fruits then enjoy the party. Will eat half/small portions of what I want and drink lots of water. Will have a glass of wine or two, but will log it all.

    I want to get more regular at the gym and figure this out. I tried for 20 years to quit smoking and then I quit. i will just keep trying new things. Lets do this together!

  • mhealea
    mhealea Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Tracy and Miki! Not sure if you would be interested or not but I'm part of an amazing fitness and weight loss support group and I thought of today and thought you would love it. The group is led by Lance Lyell who lost 75 lbs, filmed for the P90X infomercial, and was in Mens Fitness as a success story. This is strictly a support group and the weight loss transformations of the people who have followed his advice are amazing! They share recipes, their nutrition guides, give free workouts, and even do a weekly broadcast where they take questions. It's all free and the people are sooooo supportive. Anyway let me know if you would like to join me and I'll add you to our private Facebook group. Even if you're not working out the recipes and nutrition advice is so good and has helped me so much.
  • TracyMyers202
    TracyMyers202 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, please!