Atkins Diet - Help and Advice

Hi, I am looking at starting the Atkins 40 diet plan tomorrow. Has anyone tried it and got good results? Also how did you find the food and recipes? Steph x


  • hhazzouri
    hhazzouri Posts: 103 Member
    Tried atkins (while counting calories) and had great results. Your mood will suffer though so be prepared to be edgy. Road rage was the worse
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Can you easily stick with this diet? That's how you should determine if you want to or not.

    You will only lose weight if you're in caloric deficit. There is no magic or evil food combination that will change that.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    Yep, I did low carb and only lost water weight initially then stalled out then gained...I wasn't eating in a deficit because low carbers swear you don't count calories on low carb. If you choose to go low carb you still need to count calories:) I'm much happier eating my bread and sweets within my calories and losing well:)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've done a lchf diet for about three years now (not Atkins specifically though). I love the food and find it very satiating, so I never needed to track calories so long as I kept my carbs in check (the deficit is created spontaneously as a result of reduced hunger). Lost about 50 lbs in seven months, without increasing activity level, and have kept it off no problem (outside of a pregnancy, but the baby weight was gone within 8 months) ever since. If you are looking for great low carb support, advice, and recipe ideas, head on over to the low carb forum. Here you'll mostly get people telling you how unnecessary it is. Strictly speaking, they are right; it's not necessary, but many people find carb restriction an extremely effective means to creating a deficit without suffering through hunger and cravings. The only way for you to know if it will help you is to give it an honest chance. Good luck!
  • kittykarin
    kittykarin Posts: 104 Member
    I follow a Keto/ Atkins plan and it really works for me. When I eat a lot of carbs, even so called healthy carbs like fruit, oatmeal and wheat bread, I am hungry, ravenous really, 30 minutes to an hour later and all day long. The first few days you are on the plan, you may have some cravings and a lack of energy but within a few days that will go away. I suggest sticking to meats, cheeses, eggs and low carb veggies. Try to limit the Atkins products until u know how your body reacts to sugar alcohols. They could throw u out of ketosis. My fave snacks are babybel cheeses, dill pickles and deli meats. Pinterest also has great low carb recipes but again, try to stay away from the ones with complicated ingredients that try to mimic high carb foods at first. You'll get the best results at first with simple, mostly unprocessed foods.
  • LaurenP6386
    LaurenP6386 Posts: 1 Member
    I started atkins phase 1 on May 9, and I have lost 7 lbs in 6 days. It is really hard bc everything has carbs and I LOVE fruits and veggies. But the results have kept me determined and being a pound down every day has been rewarding just to my spirits. I prep my meals in advance so the temptation isn't there. I eat thinks like 2 eggs with ham and bell pepper, tilapia, tuna, grilled/baked chicken breast, shrimp, cucumber sandwiches with cheese and turkey inside, pepperoni and cheese roll ups, baby kale, romaine lettuce, and broccoli. I don't go over 1200 cals. I eat 20 to 30 carbs a day, 80 to 120 grams of protein, and 40 to 60 g of fat a day. It is hard but if you stick to it you will see results. Best of luck!
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Low carb seams to work for me. Atkins has a website and a cook book in the stores. Good luck
  • slf_95
    slf_95 Posts: 5 Member
    How do you measure your net carbs?
  • hhazzouri
    hhazzouri Posts: 103 Member
    edited May 2016
    Total carbs - fiber = net carbs
  • jademiles84
    jademiles84 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also a newbie to Atkins this week, I've found it pretty good, just concerned how I'll know if I'm eating too much protein & fat! x
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I too am LCHF but don't specifically follow Atkins. I am close to phase 1 but I eat full fat dairy. My macros are 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fat. It works out to about 20-30g carbs, 80-90g protein and around 120g fat per day.
    I'm also a newbie to Atkins this week, I've found it pretty good, just concerned how I'll know if I'm eating too much protein & fat! x

    Just track your calories if worried. Many find they naturally eat fewer calories when low carb so it may not be an issue for you
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I'm also a newbie to Atkins this week, I've found it pretty good, just concerned how I'll know if I'm eating too much protein & fat! x

    Count your protein & fat just like you count your carbs. Use MFP to track your eating, that's its purpose!