diabetic/disabled getting started

Hi my name is Erin, I am a disabled diabetic, have been disabled since 2011, diabetic for about 6 yrs now. I am going to be honest, I am close to 400 lbs and it scares me, I have back pain, and diabetic neuropathy. I have severe depression and ptsd. Being sexually abused as a child didnt help my self esteem or my confindence, But i am trying to get past all that and get energy and get back to the old me! I can't help but feel that apart of me has died, I never use to be over 250 and as I got older I realized I had let myself go, and I about dying to get myself back without gastric bypass.i have thought about the surgery but it scars me cause I have smoked for so long. I just got my gym membership back. Last time I tried I lost 50 lbs like it was nothing, but then gained it all right back cause I couldn't afford my membership. I also worry about my daughter who is 17, she already has issues with high blood pressure. I do not want her to be like me, and I can see her headed that way, i was 250 at 25 yrs old, she is 250 at 17 yrs old, but she motivates me like no other, she is a beast in the gym!! She enjoys it I am glad she does! Pray for me that God help me stay focused and do what I know I have to do! Thanks everyone!


  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    See if your insurance will cover a visit to a nutritionist. This will help you get your weight loss started in a healthy way, and possibly help
    You get your diabetes under control. Small goals, healthy choices will grow into big successes of you keep your eye on the prize! See if you can talk to a trainer at the gym, too! Take long slow walks and drink lots of water!