weight gain after tracking and exercising for a week! Why?

Okay, I just don't get why my scale what it said this morning when last week i was on the verge of being out of the 160s, and now i'm closer to being 170. What gives? I kayaked and bicycled this past weekend. Sure one or two days I went over, only one day really went over. So what the heck? Very disappointed. I'm eating my calories I burned too.


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It happens. Weight loss is never linear. Sometimes it goes down as predicted, sometimes it levels out, sometimes it goes up, sometimes there's a small loss, sometimes there' a big loss.

    If you've been extra active this past weekend, you might be retaining some fluid to help your muscles repair from the extra exertion. (Feeling sore or achy at all? That's inflammation, which can reflect as gain on the scale.) If the one day you went "really over" was in the past few days, you might be retaining some fluid from that, especially if the food you ate was high in sodium. If it was yesterday, you might have some food in your intestines that you haven't pooped yet.

    An open diary would help.
  • TamiMeras
    TamiMeras Posts: 3
    Hi! I would encourage you to only weigh yourself once a week, at the same time every week. I have found that by 2pm(2 hours after you eat lunch) and before your mid afternoon snack is the best time to weigh. Many will disagree, however, that is what I have found that is the most consistent time & way to do it. Also maybe think about once a month tracking your measurements. Best thing to do is to not get discouraged, know that whatever you are doing is doing something, as with anything with value, it takes time to see the results. Give yourself a good 8 weeks before you expect to "see" any changes. :smile:
  • MJDuley
    MJDuley Posts: 47 Member
    I agree about tracking your measurements. If you're building muscle, that will account for some of the gain. But if you're losing inches, you're making progress!

    I also agree about not weighing yourself more often than once a week. Our weight can fluctuate a surprising amount from one day to the next (or within the same day).