best biking/cycling calorie tracker?

shamani5 Posts: 59 Member
I need help figuring out the easiest way to tell how many calories I burn while biking. I m currently on tour and bike for several hours every day on varying terrain and speed. I'm hoping to use something like a fitbit that has a good battery life because my phone does not. Would a heart rate monitor work or do I need something more?


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    The best is a power meter, but it's probably not what you want because they're expensive and apart from being the most accurate way to measure energy on a bike, the reasons for having one aren't really aligned with touring.

    A heart rate monitor (HRM) would be a pretty good way to go. You can use it for pacing if you want help with that, and a good one will give you a good estimate for calories. Lots and lots of options, it depends on your budget mostly. I have a Garmin bike computer and it works very well for my purposes, I love the maps for rides on mountain roads. :smile:

    You can get a small and cheap battery pack to recharge your phone and other things on the road. I have a lipstick sized one, it was $10 on Amazon, and I've used it to charge my GPS from camps in the backcountry. Whatever you go with, it can be really nice to have backup power when you need it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have a HRM (Polar FT60) that has been calibrated with my tested VO2 max and Max HR settings and it's pretty accurate when compared against a variety of reliable machines including a very expensive power meter equipped trainer.

    But I actually use a Garmin Edge HRM/GPS unit and/or Strava phone app for tracking long outdoor rides for convenience and data - both underestimate calories and Garmin in particular underestimates badly on low intensity rides.

    Agree with previous poster about using a portable power pack if your phone has limited battery life, I use one on very long duration rides. Also good for topping up lights.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    I use 100 cal for every 5 km as my formula. Without carrying power metres etc., I figure it's pretty close.