Weight Loss When Eating At Too Much of a Deficit

I'm finding it very hard to eat as many calories as I am allowed when I work out so I find myself at a huge deficit most days. My fitness pal says that I won't lose as much weight this way but eating all those calories is very difficult. I have only been tracking my food/exercise for a few days and have lost 5# but I don't know if I can expect this every week. Thoughts?


  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    The first week's loss is usually pretty big because you're dumping water also.

    If you were at a huge deficit you would lose more, logically speaking. But, you didn't get to the point of needing to lose weight by being unable to eat that many calories. Are you weighing your food?
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I was told never to get below 1200 calories for a woman and below 1500 for men. I do not know if this is correct or not- but I try to do this as a woman and never go below 1200 calories each day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Those of us who undergo Bariatric surgery do eat below 1200 a day for weeks after surgery as the stomach heals. Here's the potential consequences.

    - Weakness including fainting; care driving vehicles.
    - Insomnia.
    - Loss of muscle, muscle damage if not enough protein is taken in.
    - Hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails.
    - Constantly cold.

    I worked very hard to hit my minimums daily.

    If you haven't hit your target by end of day fill in with a bit of cheese, a handful of nuts, protein shake, or trail mix.