i need some advice please!!

butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
ok i'm good all week but:wink: once the weekend get here.:bigsmile: ...all hell breaks lose..:explode: .i eat everything and drink(on some weekend i have a beer but not all of them) but i'm out of control and cant stop.:mad: .what can i do to stay focus on the weekends?...so that all my hard work just dont get thrown away..PLEASE I NEED ADVICE....:cry:


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    AHHH I have the same problem!!!!!!!! Its like oh i can relax and eat everything! AND then on mondays.like today. its sooo hard to get on track because after eating like i used to for 2 days nothing fills me up! its sucks
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Here's a suggestion- Look at your plans, social or ortherwise. The plan what you will eat and when.
    You always have options- choose the lesser of two evils.:devil:
    Once you are able to plan and make conscious choices - you will not ( completely) sabotage your weeks' accomplishments on the wekends. Yes- this takes planning. yes- this takes extra work, but it iwill be sooo worth it overall!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I recomend the Skinny Saturday Challenge, under motivation and support. A new thread is posted the night before. It keeps you focused for the weekend. There is also a Skinny Wed Challenge to help you through the midweek slump. (New thread posted Tues. night.) Here you will find encouragement and support. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    I had the same problem for 3/4months
    Then just hit me i got to stop doing this as im goingg around in circles.
    Since then ive been extremely focused so for me i just had a wake up call one day.
  • LadyLorax
    LadyLorax Posts: 20
    I use to have that problem... big time.

    What I did to stop it was planning, planning, planning! And I got my son enrolled in the healthy eating bandwagon so he keeps me on track. I also moved my weigh-in day to Friday so I could see my progress and was less likely to over-eat on the weekend because I was in that feeling good phase after having lost some weight the week before.

    I let Friday night be my "cheat night" and we have a dinner that I don't track the calories for like pizza or mac-n-cheese.

    It is about making small changes and breaking old habits. Maybe try to figure out what triggers your weekend eating. Is it not having anything to keep you busy? Is it the feeling like you owe yourself a treat to help relax? Once you identify your triggers then you can work to replace them with healthy things like taking a yoga class after work on Friday to relax instead of going to happy hour.

    Hope that helps! :)
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    It's all about WANT TO and PLANNING.

    If you really want to lose weight and eat healthy you will take the time to plan your meals. Structure you life so no matter the day you stay on track.

    Good luck.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Weekends can be tough for most everyone. It's when you relax, kick back, and let things go. So naturally you want to slack on what you eat, too. So don't feel alone! Your post didn't really say in what way you were going nuts and how far you were going nuts. Figure out what things are triggering your changes.

    How hard are you on yourself during the week? Are you very restrictive? Do you have guilt for allowing yourself some type of pleasure and then find yourself guilt-eating? A lot of things can play into what causes you to go into free-for-all during the weekend. Simply viewing foods as off limits can make them that much more alluring and harder to resist when you have them more available on the weekend. Remember that this is a journey in figuring out what works for you. Figure out a plan on how to tackle your weekend. Have healthy snacks ready for you when you feel munchy. Eat some veggies before going out with your friends so you aren't tempted to over indulge in the "naughty" foods. Select better alcohol options, for example I've taken a break from beer and am doing rum and diet coke now. Or a margarita with no sour mix and extra limes. Personally, my goal right now is to be as healthful as I can be. Sometimes that's 90% and sometimes that's 70%. As long as I know I am trying and doing better than I had been before. Now, if I want pizza, I don't feel guilty, but I make sure I have a salad or some veggies with it (and on it!). That way I don't feel deprived and I know I'm still putting some good stuff in my body while getting what I was desiring. But that doesn't mean I eat a whole pizza either! ;) Also, adding some exercise in there too can help balance some stuff out.

    I hope that gives you some help. Good luck!
  • cynditoney
    cynditoney Posts: 90
    I keep the same schedule on the weekends as through the week. I get up at the same time, follow the same routine and go to bed at the same time. I even try to schedule my meals at approximately the same time. This keeps my motivation up since the first thing I do when I get out of bed is put my workout clothes on and get moving. After that, I feel energized and ready to tackle the day!:flowerforyou:
  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    I eat whatever i want just a VERY small amount lol other day i managed pizza and icecream and risotto - all within my limits x
  • shanpgh
    shanpgh Posts: 10 Member
    I followed the ABS Power Diet for a while (Men's Health/Women's Health Magazine) and they recommend having one cheat meal a week where you "cheat like Jude Law at a nanny convention" so that you aren't depriving yourself of the foods that you crave. So, pick one night, be it Friday, Saturday or Sunday and go nuts but make sure that the rest of the days and nights you are following your week day routine.

    Mix it up a little though so that you can still have fun on your non-cheat days. Drink water with some orange slices and strawberries or cucumbers in it. You'll get yummy flavors and you can sip it while everyone else is drinking and it looks kind of fancy just like those expensive chick drinks. If you are going to hang out with friends, bring something that you can eat. If they are grilling out then bring a turkey burger with a whole grain "roll" and some salad for your side. If they are truly your friends, they will understand. Let them know that you are working on a healthier you and that you would appreciate their support. You might just start a trend! :wink:

    Another trick is to keep a skinny photo of yourself in your purse or pocket and every time you go for a drink or something to eat take a look at that photo and remind yourself of why you want to choose to be healthier. I have one on my fridge so that when I get a snack attack I keep it in check. If I want to look like that again I should choose something that will help me get there instead of something that will frustrate me.

    My last bit of advice to try is working out before you go out. I find that when I work out I want to eat/drink healthier so that my time at the gym wasn't all for nothing. I work out in the evening a lot and before I go I usually plan on having a snack or beer with my husband when I get home. But, I've noticed that after I actually put in the time and effort to work out, my post gym snack is usually a protein shake that is much better for me and really helps my body recover.

    I hope this helps! :smile:

    Good luck in your journey to a healthier new you!!! :bigsmile:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member

    My last bit of advice to try is working out before you go out. I find that when I work out I want to eat/drink healthier so that my time at the gym wasn't all for nothing. I work out in the evening a lot and before I go I usually plan on having a snack or beer with my husband when I get home. But, I've noticed that after I actually put in the time and effort to work out, my post gym snack is usually a protein shake that is much better for me and really helps my body recover.

    Ditto! Happens to me too! I'll go to the gym planning a binge and then be like "WTF Why do I want to eat that now? I feel waaay too good to put that crap in me and ruin this high!"
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I second the idea of planning. Plan your week, and try to not include events that focus on drinking. Recreational activities, camping, bike rides, movies, things around the home.

    Ask trusted friends or a partner to hold you accountable. One thing about this is you CANNOT chastise them for pointing out any slip up. If you ask someone to point out that that is your 3rd beer, then you can't become annoyed with them if they do just that. My wife has an issue with this sometimes. She asks me to help her stay on track, but when the weekend rolls around and she does have a few drinks, if I point it out, she becomes defensive and sometimes angry. So I no longer help her on that front.

    Lastly, and I know this sounds harsh, get rid of the things that cause you to slip, if it's booze, toss it, if it's certain food, don't buy it any more. If it's the sofa and/or TV, make plans away from the house...etc.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Often times people feel that they have worked so hard all week and deserve a reward on the weekend. Seems to make sense. Its the same type of thing that a functional alcoholic does. Works hard all day then deserves to drink the evening away. Its a reward.

    You have to think about what you are rewarding. Like Tropicalkitty asked, are you restrictive during the week? If so, you may be subconsciously setting yourself up for failure. Before you "reward" yourself, think about what you are rewarding. Staying under your calories all week, showing up to work everyday, and 30 minutes of exercise everyday is what we all should be doing. These things deserve no reward as they are a regular part of daily life. However, setting mini goals, like, when you've lost ten pounds can be a great time for a reward. At that point, drinking and eating will probably be far from your idea of a decent reward. But, if not, go for it on just one day and then thats it till you reach another goal.

    Meanwhile, stick with the same schedule Monday through Sunday. If you have the day off, plan your day in advance. Keep the same wake time, meal times, workout times- and fill in the in betweens with whatever does not revolve around food. Find a hobbie, join a club, go to church/temple/mosque/whatever, go mall walking/window shopping, volunteer for a good cause, or simply relax in the yard with a good book. If you are invited out on the weekend, don't automatically accept the invitation. Take some time to really think about if you really want to go, will this event be supportive of your lifestyle, are you confident that you can maintain control. If the answer is not a resounding YES to any single one of those questions, politely decline.

    Everything is a choice. There is no such thing as I can't (fill in the blank with anything). You either will or you won't. The choice is yours.
  • You just go round in circles and will make very little progress. I have a weekly weigh-in on Sunday morning and this keeps me motivated not to loose it over the weekend with the booze/food. If I eat out, I only go to Japanese restaurants and each raw fish - low in calories but very tasty. It helps that my wife and I are doing this together.....
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    that the thing my hubbie is not on any kind of weight loss and it makes it real hard on me because he is always telling me that he loves me the way that i am..BUT..i dont love the way that i look..but i do love all the advice and i'm really going to try my best not to over do it on the weekends..:happy:
  • KenzieKidwell
    KenzieKidwell Posts: 77 Member
    Try a Monday weigh in that way you have more pressure to be good over the weekend. Also I have found that I can not use Sat or Sun as a day off from the gym because I am more likely to eat on the days I did kill myself in the gym. Maybe if you do both you will be motivated on the weekends too!
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