Vacation Tips Requested

I have been on MFP since 4/1/16 and am down 14 lbs. Going on vacation in two weeks to visit sister in Florida. These vacations have historically included:
1. Mostly SITTING around the pool gabbing and laughing.
2. Lots of calorie-laden umbrella COCKTAILS
3. Erratic meals/ restaurant meals/ bar-b-ques.

I don't want to come back with an additional 5 (or more!) lbs., but I don't want to be one of those "diet" obsessed, buzz-kill types either. Thinking about finding a nearby gym that might let me use the facilities short-term so I can fit workouts in the early AM while everyone else is sleeping.

Any advice for walking this fine line? Thank you in advance....


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Exercise more. Instead of just sitting around, go sightseeing, walk, rent bicycles and go for a ride, go swimming, rent kayaks and give them a try ... and yes, see if there's a gym you can use.

    Or ... in our area there are outdoor gyms all over the place, especially near cycleways and walking paths and beaches ... maybe where you'll be in Florida has some of those?

    Like these:
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Check out the cocktail menu for a slightly lighter but still enjoyable option - off the top of my head I'm thinking of mojito vs piña colada for example.

    And alternate cocktails with plain sparking water with fresh lime and/or lemon.... plus ice, straw and even maybe an umbrella if your waitperson is kind enough :)
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    You may have a pretty good idea of what over eating is. Don't do that (over eat)on vacation. You can log, or not, keep a mental record of your intake or write it down. You don't HAVE to log during the meal, before of after is also good. Make a conscious effort to exercise. Site see, explore the neighborhood, if you are near a beach (sea of lake) or a park, et al. take a walk. Sitting around the pool? Take a swim of a few, several, many laps.

    Keep, reasonably well, to the routine that has you losing 14 pounds to date. You may not continue that rate of loss, but you'll keep the damage to a minimum. Stick to your exercise routine.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Options lovely state. There are plenty of outdoor activities to do like kayaking, canoeing, snorkeling, go for a run on the beach, paddle boarding, etc. Just try to log your food, don't eat like you'll never have another meal in your life, and try to stay reasonably active. Good luck! Have fun!
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Swimming is excellent exercise. Spend an hour or two in the pool each day.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I have been on MFP since 4/1/16 and am down 14 lbs. Going on vacation in two weeks to visit sister in Florida. These vacations have historically included:
    1. Mostly SITTING around the pool gabbing and laughing.
    2. Lots of calorie-laden umbrella COCKTAILS
    3. Erratic meals/ restaurant meals/ bar-b-ques.

    I don't want to come back with an additional 5 (or more!) lbs., but I don't want to be one of those "diet" obsessed, buzz-kill types either. Thinking about finding a nearby gym that might let me use the facilities short-term so I can fit workouts in the early AM while everyone else is sleeping.

    Any advice for walking this fine line? Thank you in advance....

    For every cocktail drink 2 large glasses of water.
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    While sitting around drinking and eating, have plenty of water at hand. If you feel a craving for one of the hors d'ouvres, reach for your water glass first, and take a big sip. If you're drinking calories, have a sip of water between drinks of whatever else you're having.

    Don't prohibit yourself from snacking/drinking - just add the extra step of having a sip of water first, to keep you mindful of how much you're snacking. It'll help keep something in your stomach and keep you hydrated.

    If you have access to help prepare the snacks, introduce something healthy in addition to the normal menu, and work those in as you would sips of water. For each delicious but calorie-dense treat, include something light and flavorful as well, and be sure to enjoy a bit of both.

    You'll be able to indulge mindfully, and NOT be a buzz-kill for anyone.
  • magpie0829
    magpie0829 Posts: 23 Member
    Vacation is a time to relax and enjoy yourself. Of course this doesn't mean that you can eat an entire cake in one sitting, but I think worrying about how much you may or may not gain kind of kills the whole vacation vibe. So enjoy yourself. Splurge a bit. But don't go over board. If you want a slice of cake then have a small one. If you want some ice cream then have a scoop. If you want some drinks go right ahead. But just be cognizant about how much you are eating/drinking. Try to take a nice stroll in the morning or evening. Do some laps in the pool in between gab sessions. Drink a glass of water in between each cocktail. One vacation isn't going to ruin everything that you have accomplished.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Alternative to a 500+ calorie daiquiri or frozen margarita or whatever
    Blender - a cup of chopped (very cold) watermelon or a cup of frozen berries, 1 - 1.5 oz vodka or rum, a little ice and a maybe a little fresh mint or basil
    Pour into a tall glass with a little club soda or Sprite Zero if you want it to be sweeter. It's not as thick as a traditional frozen drink, but it's icy and fizzy and refreshing. In the 150-200 calorie range.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I've got a vacation coming up too, and much like you I have been trying to figure out how to tackle my "diet" while away.

    I've already made the personal choice that I probably won't be exercising to the extent that I do now. I will be doing lots of outdoor activities so hopefully that will help to counter the food/alcohol lol.

    Even though I always say I'm going to sleep in I'm usually up early by habit...trying not to wake anyone else; so if I'm going to workout it'll probably be in the AM so it's out of the way, and I'm ready to get to the day's activities once everyone else gets up. The resort I'm staying at has hikes or bike rides in the early AM, so I might try to get those in as a way to get some dedicated cardio. They also have a gym, so if I want I can do that. I've got a Fitbit, so I think that will at least make me mindful of steps and calories burned so if say I've only burned 1900 calories (normal goal 2500) it will make me think twice about having another cocktail or that late night snack.

    It is not acceptable to me to come back 10 lbs heavier....that just means I've gone way overboard! But I'm not going to be upset if I come back a few lbs heavier than when I went. I think for me the biggest thing I'm trying to do is not slack off on diet/exercise prior to me going, and then making a conscious effort that when I get back I get right back into the excuses!

    Enjoy your vacation!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Split meals, don't get full, ask for low calorie drink menus or ideas from the bartender- they'll have some! Have fun :D
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you only gained 5lbs for a few weeks excess that's not too bad :smiley: I'd just say, go and enjoy the holiday to the full and get back on track the minute you get back.... any gain will be history within a few short weeks, most of it will probably be water related anyway. Have fun :smiley:

    I don't like to gain more than a few lbs on holidays, so I be mindful of portion sizes and I walk loads. It works well for me :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh gosh I would be so bored LOL.

    Get in the pool. Wake up early and go for a run/walk. Switch to seltzer instead of cocktails. Eat smaller portions of the food, and unless it's something you really crave, go for lower calorie options (grilled meat, veggies).

    And enjoy yourself!
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    These are GREAT ideas everyone. I knew you all would not disappoint. If I were on vacation by myself - it would be filled with healthy activities. However - I would unfortunately have to drag my husband, sister and brother-in-law kicking and screaming to go kayaking, hiking, cycling, swimming etc. Maybe I should, eh? Be that as it may, thank you for your thoughtful ideas, much appreciated.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    Florida? Good grief! Take your trainers & get out and walk/jog, go bike riding, tons of stuff to do outside! For food, just don't be silly. Eat in moderation, plenty of fresh fruit & veg to be had in Florida, keep portion sizes sensible, and remember that alcohol & sweet drinks won't do you any favours. It will be quite hot there, drink plenty of water instead.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have been on MFP since 4/1/16 and am down 14 lbs. Going on vacation in two weeks to visit sister in Florida. These vacations have historically included:
    1. Mostly SITTING around the pool gabbing and laughing.
    2. Lots of calorie-laden umbrella COCKTAILS
    3. Erratic meals/ restaurant meals/ bar-b-ques.

    I don't want to come back with an additional 5 (or more!) lbs., but I don't want to be one of those "diet" obsessed, buzz-kill types either. Thinking about finding a nearby gym that might let me use the facilities short-term so I can fit workouts in the early AM while everyone else is sleeping.

    Any advice for walking this fine line? Thank you in advance....

    1. You have access to a pool? Use it. You can still spend time lounging around it gabbing, but maybe get up early and spend an hour or so swimming laps before your travel companions wake up. Site seeing usually involves walking and may not be as objectionable to your companions as more intense activities, but still gets you moving.
    2. You decide what and how much you drink. Plain hard alcohol (no mixers or chasers) either straight up or on the rocks tend to be the best bets in terms of calories (the only calories are coming from alcohol and most people don't drink these kinds of drinks fast). Sipping slowly on a bourbon on the rocks (or two) poolside shouldn't break your calorie bank (and sounds simply lovely). If you do go for higher calorie drinks, pace yourself and drink a big glass of water between each.
    3. Approach dining out or bbqs the same way you approach them when you aren't on vacation. Filling the majority of your plate with simply cooked proteins and veggie sides are pretty safe bets. Just keep your portions in check, especially of the more calorie dense sides (potato salad for example). Indulging a bit is fine, but decide when and how often you will do that. I don't know how long you are staying, but going over a bit on calories once or twice in the span of a week won't put a ton of weight on you! Keep in mind travel tends to make us retain water (especially air travel) so when you get back don't take the scale seriously until you've been home and back in your normal routine at least 3-4 days ( to allow you to shed excess water and see what the true "damage" was).

    You've done great to lose 14 lbs in since April 1st! Enjoy your vacation!

  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    1) Get in the pool and gab. You don't have to be swimming laps to be twitchier - treading water will burn more calories than sitting in a deck chair. Stick to your regular exercise routine. If you go to the beach, don't just lay around - build a sand castle, fly a kite, etc. Anything where you're not just sitting is increasing your TDEE.

    2) Are you making your own cocktails? Tequila+0 calorie margarita mix are your new best friends. At restaurants, have them stick umbrellas in your vodka+soda. Look up cocktails ahead of time on here so you know approximately what the calorie counts are - pina coladas, lava flows, standard margaritas, etc. can all be scary high in calories, screwdrivers and mojitos are lower, and calorie-free mixers will stretch your drink calories a lot farther.

    3) Meals - shoot to make good choices 80% of the time. Set your calorie intake to maintenance so you can eat a little more without gaining. You'll probably consume more sodium than usual, so even if you do gain 5 lbs, a lot of that should come right back off. Have fun and eat things you like - you're on vacation. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do things vs just sitting around the pool...I mean, do that too...but do other things that involve moving around.
  • Pam_1965
    Pam_1965 Posts: 137 Member
    I will use all these tips on my upcoming cruise to Bermuda and additional 2 week stay in Cape Cod! Good ideas everyone!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    These are GREAT ideas everyone. I knew you all would not disappoint. If I were on vacation by myself - it would be filled with healthy activities. However - I would unfortunately have to drag my husband, sister and brother-in-law kicking and screaming to go kayaking, hiking, cycling, swimming etc. Maybe I should, eh? Be that as it may, thank you for your thoughtful ideas, much appreciated.

    Typically just having my kids with me makes it impossible to have an 'active' vacation, so I hear you loud and clear. I was in the same boat 2 years ago, went to visit my brother in law, but thankfully we stayed at a hotel so I got some time to hit the gym there, otherwise I would have gone nuts just sitting and not doing anything all day. But we did end up eating out all the time, which sucked.

    Can you suggest some activities though? Maybe going for a walk somewhere, or just hitting the mall or something... anything to get you off the chair. Or offer to go to the store and make them dinner or something (and pick something from Skinnytaste, they won't know the difference).

    It's REALLY rough when you're not on the same page as your family anymore! My sister is coming tonight to stay for a week but at least she's fairly active so she won't mind going to the mall/walk in town/go to the outlets or whatnot... which is good because I doubt I'll be able to get a workout in (I'd go first thing but I have to get the kids ready for school and my sister will be up early anyway).