revamping and remotivating!

Recently I've hit a slump in attaining my goals. I've been here, logging in, but I've been in a major blah and depression given personal life mishaps. Luckily, i haven't gained anything back and have been estimating (eww, i know) what I've been eating.

I need to get off the pity train and get back at this.

I'm looking to gain a stronger support system so that, perhaps, if I feel myself slipping, I may not fall again.

Please be my buddyyyy :D


  • anne_driessen
    anne_driessen Posts: 55 Member
    Been there. Great job not gaining, when I started getting in a major blah mode I gained so much, you should be proud of that. :) Im adding you, feel free to message me if you ever feel yourself slipping/ just need someone to listen :)