Do You Run?

Looking for like minded MFP friends. I've completed my weightloss journey and now starting the next chapter in my life. I want to run a half marathon this year. I currently run 4 to 5 miles during the work week and an 8 to 10 on the weekend. Would appreciate advise and motivation from experienced runners and others like me on a similar journey. Please add me.


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Keep at it and check out the Monthly running Challenge. Lots of great folks with tons of knowledge.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I run. Did my first half this past march. I am doing a smaller run this weekend (Jubilee Run for Cancer an 8k).

    Because I had already been running for the past year, training for the half only needed some tweaking and careful and slow addition of mileage each week from February when I decided to do the half in March.

    When is the half you want to run? Did you make your 10 mile yet? Once you get to the 10th you go this.

    I guess I am like minded.. LOL Add me if you want! Besides this week (more days rest before the 8k), I usually run 5 days a week!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I ran my first half last year and have done at total of 3.
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    RoxieDawn I have already hit my 10 mile mark already but have yet tried to do all 13.1. The race I want to run is late June and I'm a bit nervous about it. I may lean on you for some advice if you dont mind?